ESG Service

Employer in the industry of the future

Employer in the industry of the future

The Polenergia Group consists of more than eight hundred employees for whom we are systematically building a friendly workplace. We want our team members to have the opportunity of self-realization, to be able to raise their skills and find the right balance between personal and professional life.

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The Polenergia team has been growing dynamically. We strive to have representatives of different age groups and genders at different levels of employees. We offer our employees stable employment, opportunities for development through a variety of training courses, solutions that make it easier to combine personal and professional life, and benefits – tailored to the needs and changing conditions. We have two-way communication with Polenergia employees – each employee has the opportunity to participate in a satisfaction survey as well as a periodic interview.

Employment details can be found in our non-financial report

Employee compensation and hiring system

The employees are covered by transparent rules governing their compensation and fringe benefits, which takes into account the individual contribution of each employee as well as the performance of his or her team. The rules are set forth in the internal Work Regulations, the Employee Compensation Regulations, and the Annual Performance Assessment System. The Group employees are assessed by their superiors on an annual basis; as part of this assessment, the achievement of their personal objectives set a year earlier is reviewed and the results of such a review translate into annual bonuses. Employee interviews are held regularly; those are at least two interviews: one to summarize the fulfillment of annual objectives, during which employees together with their supervisors prepare objectives for the next year, and an Employee development meeting, which is independent of the annual evaluation.


Polenergia Group's male and female employees received 2022 work and career development evaluation

In the Group as a whole, the percentage of persons working under civil law contracts is very low. Such cases are confined to hiring under a contract of commission or a work product contract for the purpose of providing a specific service or executing a specific project.

The notice period for an employment contract in the Polenergia Group is one month if the employee has worked for the Group for 6 or more months, or three months if the employee has worked for 3 or more years. For other forms of employment and notice periods, provisions of the Labor Code apply. The Group does not employ collective bargaining agreements.

Employee satisfaction

There is low employee turnover at Polenergia Group. This is the result of a long-term policy of creating a friendly workplace and responding to the needs of the team. Within the framework of the “Employee Job Satisfaction in Polenergia Group” survey, male and female employees emphasize satisfaction with working in the group as a result of good relations between employees and opportunities for professional self-realization. The atmosphere of cooperation within the companies is also highly rated.

  1. Company Values
  2. Diversity & Inclusion
  3. External and internal communication
  4. Employee education and development
  5. Team integration
  6. Work-life balance
  7. Overall job satisfaction

The surveys were conducted by an external independent consulting firm. The results were used to plan work from changes in the area of Employee Management. Another evaluation survey is already planned for 2023.


Polenergia’s growth and competitive edge depend on how well-qualified the employees are. This is why the Group as an employer enables and co-funds employee efforts to improve their qualifications through training, conferences, post-graduate studies or MBA programs.

The benefits from employee training and education are two-fold. On the one hand, employees who feel appreciated are more likely to be fully engaged in striving for success, for themselves as well as for the company. On the other hand, the company reaps benefits from better performance and efficiency of the employees receiving the training provided by the company.

All the descriptions of procedures, regulations, rules, instructions and strategies implemented in the organization to ensure responsible management of employee training and education are stated in the Training and Development Policy.

  • July 2022 – Polish Deal 2.0 – what’s changed in taxes for employees and colleagues
  • September/October 2022 – Cyber security training: “Safe Employee”
  • November/December 2022 – Webinar How not to exclude each other – training on inclusive language
  • February – October 2022 – First aid training series

Employee benefits

Polenergia’s goal is to build loyalty and attachment of employees to the company, boost their motivation and involvement in the company’s development with simultaneous satisfaction from their work. The employees are provided with a broad medical package and an option to have all their family members covered by it as well. They also receive fringe benefits in the form of sports packages comprising a broad range of activities.

Important documents creating a friendly workplace

The Compensation Policy, Rules and regulations for awarding bonuses and rules for awarding the annual bonus, Rules and regulations of the Company Social Benefit Fund, the rule for reimbursing costs incurred by an employee for cultural and sports events, the procedure of employee training and skills improvement.

Polenergia and Equinor once again took part in the Łeba Festival

Hundreds of Łeba residents and tourists from all over Poland visited the stand of Polenergia and Equinor during the Łeba Festival. Visitors could learn more about offshore wind energy and take advantage of numerous attractions prepared by investors of offshore wind farms Bałtyk. Together with the residents, representatives of the companies marched through the streets of the city in the march of the Duchy of Łeba.


In Polenergia WE HAVE THE POWER!

In April 2024, the Polenergia Group launched a new employee volunteer grant program called WE HAVE THE POWER!  


Final of the 2nd Edition of the Sports Challenge POWER UP!

From April 6th 2024 until the end of June, employees of Polenergia competed and motivated each other in the sports challenge POWER UP! Their kilometers, steps, and even exercise time were converted by Polenergia into a donation of 30,000 PLN in support of the CukierAsy Association!


Consolidated Non-Financial Statement for the year ended December 31, 2022


Nearly 3000 students from Pomerania in the educational project of Equinor and Polenergia

Nearly 3000 pupils from 11 primary schools took part in an educational project run by Equinor and Polenergia in the Słupsk region. The aim of the investors’ campaign is to spread knowledge about offshore wind energy and the resulting benefits for the climate and the region among the youngest. Equinor and Polenergia jointly develop three wind farms in the Baltic Sea with a total capacity of up to 3,000 MW.


Eco Rafting – Together for Cleaner Rivers

On 25 May 2024, the first employee volunteer event in the series MAMY MOC! – Eco Rafting on the Liwiec River. The event was attended by 55 Volunteers in 35 canoes, who combined physical activity with an ecological mission and mutual integration.


Omnibus Eco-logical Olympiad

The Pelplin Town and Commune Office, in cooperation with primary schools in the Pelplin Commune and the Polenergia Group, organized an ecological Olympiad for primary school students from the Pelplin Commune.


The Hydrogen Class from Nowa Sarzyna Attended the H2Poland Hydrogen Fair

From April 14th to 16th, the largest hydrogen fair in Poland, H2Poland, took place in Poznań.


Polenergia’s Day of Volunteering in the Otwarte Drzwi Association

Actions aimed at local communities play an incredibly important role in the activities of the Polenergia Group. Our responsibility goes beyond just business; it extends to caring for the community and the environment. As part of our employee volunteering program, on October 7th, over 30 employees, along with their families, gathered in the Praga district of Warsaw to support the Otwarte Drzwi Association.


Education for sustainable development: offshore wind energy

In recent years, sustainability has been gaining more and more attention around the world. Developing societies are looking for increasingly ecological ways of obtaining energy to reduce the negative impact on the natural environment.


Children’s Day at the Polenergia’s Office

On May 31, 2023, employees of Polenergia Fotowoltaika could come to work with their children and celebrate Children’s Day together in the office.


Equinor and Polenergia - attractive employers for young people

Several thousand people – primary and high school students – visited the Equinor and Polenergia stand at the first EDU Offshore Wind Career Fair, held in Gdansk on March 14-15. This is a good sign, proving that the offshore wind industry and our Bałtyk projects can be an attractive place for them to work.


Dialog with female and male employees

The Polenergia Group respects every one for their individual contribution. Everybody, regardless of their period of service and position, may express their opinion and contribute to their team’s success.


Annual evaluation at Polenergia Group

Annual appraisal at Polenergia Group is about dialogue, goal setting and development of male and female employees.


The Energy Academy 2022 has been launched

This is the eleventh edition of one of the most popular programs of the Lesław A. Paga Foundation, which helps in the development of talented students and graduates who not only want to develop in the energy industry, but also understand that business is based on good relations and commitment. This is a program for future leaders.


Onshore + Offshore = Our Future

What are the opportunities behind developing offshore wind energy? What are the components of an offshore wind farm? What are the available career paths and what are the skills and abilities that can be useful in joining the new sector supporting the energy transformation of Poland?


Together In Support of Pomerania Offshore Wind Energy Competence Centre

The Polenergia Group, together with Equinor, Rumia Municipality and Rumia Invest Park signed a Letter of Intent on the plan to cooperate as part of the Pomerania Offshore Wind Energy Competence Centre. The parties declare their desire to reinforce the labour market necessary for efficient development of wind energy at the Baltic Sea.


Catch the Big Fish!

Tens of thousands of specialists will be employed in offshore wind farm projects in the Baltic Sea. Employers who are looking for qualified staff presented students with a wide range of professional opportunities during the Offshore Career Day 2022 Catch the Big Fish! The stand of Polenergia and Equinor was visited by several hundred people interested in a career offshore.


Training future staff

The Polenergia Group notices the need for educating the energy sector staff and supplementing the knowledge acquired by students at higher education institutions with the practical experience they can obtain during apprenticeships in its companies.


Student education and team integration – NSCP

Guided by the best practices and the intention to educate the future staff in the energy sector, Polenergia Nowa Sarzyna Cogeneration Plant has been organizing free student internships and apprenticeships and enabling demonstrations of the operation of a steam and gas unit, in particular for students of technical schools and universities for many years.


Development of future energy sector personnel

Polenergia, in line with its CSR strategy, is educating the energy sector’s future workforce. For the third time, we were a Partner of the Energy Academy conducted by the L. Pagi, and for the second time a Strategic Partner of the event.


Educating the future workforce of the offshore wind energy sector

Polenergia engages in cooperation with numerous scientific centers to facilitate cooperation and flow of knowledge and experience between science and business. Polenergia has signed agreements with the Center for Sustainable Development at the University of Gdansk and has assumed patronage of a two-semester postgraduate course “Education for Sustainable Development: offshore wind energy”.


Polenergia a signatory to the Sectoral Agreement on Offshore Wind Energy Development in Poland

This is the world’s second Sectoral Agreement between representatives of government, investors, entrepreneurs interested in creating a local supply chain, academic and research entities and other industry players.


Cooperation with the Gdańsk University of Technology

Since November 2019 Polenergia and Equinor have collaborated with the Gdańsk University of Technology (GUT) and the Polish Offshore Wind Energy Society (PTMEW) in running university programs for the future offshore wind energy sector staff.


Polenergia starts cooperation with the University of Gdańsk

Polenergia continues contributing to sustainable development in the academic community. The aim of the company’s agreement signed with the University of Gdańsk is the transfer of knowledge as well as the realization of actions supporting the implementation of a sustainable EU economy.


Builiding the future team of leaders

In February 2020, at the Polenergia Group, workshops were held for male and female leaders to improve their team and project management skills.


Polenergia Obrót online meeting

We happily take part in educational initiatives. This time Polenergia Obrót organizes an event addressed to RES generators and offtakers interested in LT PPA, aimed at sharing knowledge in the area of operation of energy markets.


COVID-19 pandemic and the safety of employees

The 2020 employee satisfaction survey assessed the organization of remote working during the pandemic as very good. As many as 72% of female and male employees assessed it very positively.


The grand finale of the 10th edition of the Energy Academy is behind us

13 December officially marked the end of this year’s Energy Academy. This is one of the flagship programs of the Lesław A. Paga Foundation, which celebrated its 10th anniversary this year.


Summary of Academy of Energy

IXth edition of Akademia Energy by Fundacja im. Lesława A. Pagi of which we were a Strategic Partner, is over!


Education of future human resources of the sector of the modern energy market

In 2020, Polenergia, one more time, started to cooperate with the Lesław A. Paga Foundation, becoming Strategic Partner of the 9th Edition of the Energy Academy, which was launched on 19 September 2020.


Fundacja Lesława Pagi IV convention

October is time for meetings in terms of the 9th edition of the Akademia Energii by Fundacja im. Lesława A. Pagi.


Fundacja Lesława Pagi III convention - Polenergia

We are getting ready to meet the participants of the 9th edition of the Academy of Energy, organized by Fundacja im. Lesława A. Pagi for the third time.


Leslaw Paga Foundation II meeting - Polenergia

Ahead of us is the second meeting with young people interested in energy as part of the 9th edition of the Energy Academy, of which we are a strategic partner!


Launch of the Energy Academy

On Saturday we launch the 9th edition of the Energy Academy organized by the Lesław A. Paga Foundation.


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