ESG Service

Children’s Day at the Polenergia’s Office

Children’s Day at the Polenergia’s Office

On May 31, 2023, employees of Polenergia Fotowoltaika could come to work with their children and celebrate Children's Day together in the office.

25 children participated in the game. They had an entire office floor at their disposal, where many attractions were organised. Both educational, creative and sports. There was a playground, a cinema room, face painting, coloring houses, toy car races, science experiments, pools with balls and machines with cotton candy and popcorn. There was a big soap bubble show outside too.

Babysitters dressed up as characters from popular fairy tales and movies. The children were delighted and willingly participated in all the activities. They enjoyed visiting the office, during which they could see what the work of parents looks like. Particularly instructive were the experiments that the children conducted on their own. They made, among others, a rainbow of candies, lava in glass and dancing drawings.

The kids loved it! We encourage you to watch the video and photos from the event!

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