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Play Green with Us!®

Play Green with Us!®

Polenergia, together with the Kulczyk Foundation and the content partner UNEP/GRID-Warszawa, is implementing the educational project Play Green with Us!®. Education of young generations is extremely important, therefore we have created a project for primary schools that will show teachers, but also parents and educators, how to bring young people closer to issues related to sustainable development in the broadest sense of the word in an accessible and friendly way.

All with the aim of raising children’s awareness of the energy transition, the need to protect land and water surfaces and the principles of a circular economy. This is to be helped by specially prepared lesson plans and unique eco-books that motivate, empower and sensitise young audiences to the fact that we all have an impact on what happens around us, because it is largely up to us what our tomorrow will look like.

Changing the way we live today is a race for the future of future generations of humanity. In 2019, the European Union has initiated work on a Green Deal policy. All the countries that make up the European community need to align policies in the areas of climate, energy, land use, transport and taxation. The target is to reduce net greenhouse gas emissions by at least 55 per cent – compared to 1990 levels. The effort of the next decade has the potential to make Europe the world’s first climate-neutral continent.

It is becoming imperative to reduce the use of fossil fuels for electricity and heat production. Our future lies in Renewable Energy Sources such as onshore and offshore wind farms, large-scale photovoltaic farms as well as backyard solar panels and heat pumps. From renewable energy we will produce green hydrogen, which will decarbonise industry, transport and energy. Environmental education of the younger generations and a change in thinking about climate protection and sustainability is also a key element.

Iwona Sierżęga

Member of the Management Board of Polenergia Group

Discover the adventures of Zosia and Wanda

The characters of our ecobooks are Zosia and her mother Wanda, who have already made themselves known as excellent educators of the world of healthy eating in the Yellow Plate project initiated by the Kulczyk Foundation.

Yellow Plate is Poland’s largest private programme to support the feeding of children in schools and care facilities. The programme is implemented with the participation of major NGOs.

This time Zosia and Wanda are guides to the world of environmental and climate protection, i.e. Renewable Energy Sources and ecology. Together with our characters, students learn about important topics related to sustainability and the causes and effects of global climate change.

A person using a particular thematic ecobook has access to a ready-made lesson plan. In addition, each educational ecobook contains sets of tasks and exercises that should be performed in the classroom as well as outside the classroom, which will enable students to become even more familiar with the topic and consolidate their knowledge.

All lesson plans with exercises, colouring books and posters are available free of charge on our website.

Ecobook on Renewable Energy Sources

Renewable Energy Sources underpin the functioning of modern economies and solve the problems facing our planet. Zosia and Wanda will guide students through the ins and outs of producing clean and zero-carbon energy. Our allies here are wind, water and sun.

Find out how to provide light or heat in homes, energy for factories or power cars without harming the environment, and how to store green energy. Find out more about ‘green hydrogen’, which is the storage and fuel of tomorrow!

Together with Zosia and Wanda students learn about important aspects of sustainability and the effects of climate change.

Ecobook on Waste and Recycling

Zosia and Wanda invite you to learn about the principles of the circular economy.

It is best not to produce waste. However, if necessary, recycling is the best option. In the process, new products of excellent quality and durability are created from waste paper, glass or plastics using modern technology. However, for recycling to be effective, proper behaviour on the part of the consumer and proper waste separation are essential.

Zosia and Wanda will take a closer look at the problem of generating a huge amount of waste and instruct on how to reduce it and, ideally, how not to generate it!

Ecobook about water

Each Pole statistically has 1 585 m3 of water, or 1 585 000 litres, at his or her disposal every year. Experts define this figure as the total renewable water resource, which depends on the amount of a country’s precipitation that is converted into surface water and groundwater and the water that flows into the country from outside its borders. In short, it tells us how much water we can use per year so that there are no renewal problems. This seems to be quite a lot. So what led to the situation of water restrictions in up to 350 municipalities representing 15 per cent of all municipalities in Poland in 2019?

The answer to the above question, as well as many others, will be found by Zosia and Wanda in the next phase of environmental education.


In order to support teachers and parents in their preparation for presenting the issues described in the educational ecobooks, we have conducted a series of free training sessions, which are now available online in the form of webinars.

The meetings are led by our substantive Partner UNEP/GRID- Warszawa and specialists in the field, who are tasked with preparing the audience to work with children in thematic areas based on scenarios from the Play Green with Us!® eco-books.

We invite you to watch our webinars:

  1. “Water gives health. Green challenges for children and young people in grades 4-8”
  2. “Water gives health. Green challenges for children in early childhood education (grades 1-3)”
  3. “Smart waste advice. Green challenges for children in early childhood education (grades 1-3)”
  4. “Smart waste advice. Green challenges for children and young people in grades 4-8”
  5. “We act with good energy. Green challenges for children in early childhood education (grades 1-3)”
  6. “We act with good energy. Green challenges for children and young people in grades 4-8”

Biodiversity Protection Education – 3rd Edition of the Polenergia’s Educational Classes

The latest edition of classes on biodiversity protection was conducted as part of the project Play Green with Us!® These educational activities were carried out in local primary schools in the municipalities of Grabowo, Rajgród, Kwilcz, and in a kindergarten in the municipality of Żuromin.


Final of the Second Edition of Play Green with Us!

The second edition of the educational project Play Green with Us! has come to an end. In the 2023/2024 school year, nearly 7,000 students from over 75 schools participated in the program. More than 2,600 lessons on ecology and climate protection were conducted.


Omnibus Eco-logical Olympiad

The Pelplin Town and Commune Office, in cooperation with primary schools in the Pelplin Commune and the Polenergia Group, organized an ecological Olympiad for primary school students from the Pelplin Commune.


Summary of the first semester of the second edition of the educational program Play Green with Us!®

The first semester of the second edition of the educational programme Play Green with Us!® has come to an end. Between September and mid-February, more than 800 lessons were delivered by teachers as part of the programme. Nearly 5,000 students participated in eco lessons, eco projects and eco competitions.


Climate reading

Polenergia is carrying out the Climate Reading campaign together with primary schools and kindergartens that are located near Polenergia Group’s existing or planned investments. Climate reading aims to encourage pupils to read books, especially those dealing with nature and climate protection.


Competitions Play Green with Us!®

Nothing promotes learning more than having fun. That is why Polenergia encourages all the Schools that are involved in the Play Green with Us!® project to organise interesting eco-contests and eco-projects. While participating in them, pupils not only gain new skills or extend their knowledge, but above all have fun.


Reader-Art Contest under the Patronage of Polenergia

As part of the Climate Reading initiative, Maria Konopnicka Primary School in Miłoradz and Father Jan Twardowski Primary School in Kończewice, located near FW Szymankowo, organized an Inter-School Reader-Art Contest for students in grades I-VIII.


Education in Biodiversity Conservation - Success of Polenergia's 2nd Edition Educational Sessions

In September and October 2023, educational sessions led by a nature expert took place in five elementary schools on Polenergia Group’s initiative. The focal theme of this year’s edition was “Protecting Biodiversity – Cavity-Nesting Birds,” directing attention to a crucial aspect of ecosystems. Teaching methods were tailored to the participants’ age, creating an interactive and engaging educational space.


Polenergia has taken patronage over a Hydrogen Technology Class at the General Education Lyceum No 1 in Nowa Sarzyna

Activities for climate education are part of the Polenergia Group’s Sustainable Development Strategy. We take all environmental activities very seriously, including those carried out as part of school or pre-school education. That is why we are committed to support those educational institutions that operate in communities where Polenergia projects are located and engage in our ‘Green Game’ project. In line with this commitment, we have partnered with the General Education Lyceum No 1 in Nowa Sarzyna to take patronage over their Hydrogen Technology Class.


The first edition of Play Green with Us! has come to an end

The first edition of the educational project Play Green with Us! has ended. From September 2022 to June 2023, over 70 educational institutions took action in support of climate and environmental protection by implementing environmental scenarios.


Results of the "Nature: the energy of the future" competition

The aim of the competition was to raise awareness among children about the potential of renewable energy sources. The level of the competition entries was very high, in terms of both content and art.


Competition “Nature as the energy of the future”

On June 1, 2023, on the occasion of Children’s Day, we announced the competition “Nature as the energy of the future”! The aim of the Competition is to make children aware of the advantages of using renewable energy sources, such as sun, wind, water, in the production of devices.


Climatic Reading at Polenergia

Polenergia employees are very much encouraged to check out the new books in our Company’s Climatic Reading Library. We have decided to restock our Library after a nature walk around Całowanie bog in May. This walk has inspired us to expand our knowledge of ornithology and entomology.


Playing green in Nowa Sarzyna

Climate action is the number one topic today. Polenergia is aware of that and strives to be active in this area wherever its assets are located or wherever new projects are to be developed.


We play green in the Miłoradz Commune!

This spring, we set out on a journey to the Polish preschools and primary schools with our <span style=”color: #00C389″>Play green with us!®</span> project. What was our purpose?


World Bee Day at photovoltaic farms Sulechów

On May 20th, we celebrated World Bee Day. It was an excellent opportunity to talk to children about the importance of bees and other insects for the natural environment and economy, as well as to promote ecological attitudes.


Education for Climate - Employee Volunteering

Polenergia Group employees teach the youngest.


Play green with Us! in schools

The educational project of Polenergia, UNEP/GRID-Warsaw and the Kulczyk Foundation Play Green with Us!®, which kicked off in spring 2022, is being implemented in nearly 70 educational institutions wherever the Group’s facilities are present.


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