ESG Service

Climate reading

Climate reading

Polenergia is carrying out the Climate Reading campaign together with primary schools and kindergartens that are located near Polenergia Group's existing or planned investments. Climate reading aims to encourage pupils to read books, especially those dealing with nature and climate protection.

In the first half of the 2023/2024 school year, in the second edition of the educational programme Play Green with us!® 53 educational establishments declared the launch of the Climate Reading campaign. Half of them have already encouraged their pupils to reach for climate books.

We started the 'Climate Reading' at our school. The books that were purchased were of great interest to the children, who eagerly looked at them and asked questions about the topic they were interested in. They listened attentively to the content being read by the teacher. After the lessons about the forest, the pupils prepared posters about how best to take care of the forest and how to behave in it. The children's work was displayed on the school information boards. It is more atmospheric with books...

Weronika Niedbała

Teacher at Maria Skłodowska-Curie Primary School in Nowa Sarzyna, Polenergia Elektrociepłownia Nowa Sarzyna, Podkarpackie Voivodeship

Teachers praise the participation in the Climate reading campaign. They emphasise that the thematic diversity of the purchased books increases pupils’ knowledge of the surrounding animate and inanimate natural world. Using the purchased books, pupils learn to recognise animals and plants. In several establishments, competitions based on the Climate reading books were organised. They consisted of making art works promoting the read publications. In Miłoradz commune (the area of Szymankowo Wind Farm) such a competition took place: Reader-Art Contest under the Patronage of Polenergia – ESG Service

In some schools, the action took place outdoors in a so-called green classroom, during which excerpts from nature-related books were read aloud. In other schools, the activities took place in the school library. Meetings were held on the topic of caring for nature, followed by presentations of books with nature, environmental and climate protection content. After the book presentations in the library, the children were able to browse and read the selected items themselves. Such activities were very interesting and encouraged young people to reach for new titles.

On 8 December 2023, in the 'forest retreat' of our school, by the light of charming torches, pupils from all classes met to read books and play educational games together. The themes of the books and games were related to environmental protection, ecology and climate. The pupils were very keen to take part in the organised activity. They read with pleasure and shared the information they had read. There were also questions about the beautiful decorations depicting plants and animals. The 'Climate Reading' action enriched the school library with books and educational games.

Elżbieta Rogozińska

Headmaster of the Primary School in Surały, Wind Farm Grabowo, Podlaskie Voivodeship

We encourage you to promote reading and reach for books related to ecology and climate. Many of these are beautifully illustrated albums and others are wonderful travel literature. The more we talk about books and promote reading, the more chance we have of convincing children and young people of this form of exploring the world.

Many thanks to all the teachers involved in the Climate reading campaign for promoting the idea of reading and for promoting interesting books together with Polenergia. This climate of cooperation on ecology and nature, that we create together, makes you want to read!

Acting together we can do more!


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