ESG Service

Values and Code of Ethics

Values and Code of Ethics

The methods of the Polenergia Group’s operation are determined by broadly defined ethics. This is manifested in the Company’s responsible approach to stakeholders: shareholders, employees, collaborators, business partners.

The Polenergia Group has defined the ethical principles and values that guide the business of the Group through the implementation of the Ethical code. The code defines the ethical values observed by the Management Board and the Polenergia Group’s employees.

Not only Polenergia Group’s employees and associates, but also our business partners are obliged to develop a work culture that is consistent with the values of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, the UN Sustainable Development Goals, the European Commission’s Recommendations, and the 10 principles of the United Nations Global Compact.

The Group observes the principles of fair competition when selecting suppliers and contractors and acts in a manner devoid of any attributes of corruption. Moreover, it meets the highest environmental protection and labor standards and expects the same from the entities with which it cooperates. Responsible attitudes of all partners in the supply chain not only streamline work and ensure the expected quality of service and operation of the Company’s assets but also allows it to comprehensively manage its environmental impact.

The Responsibility Strategy incorporates diversity to the business and management strategy of the Company and makes it a priority in the area of its diversity and inclusion actions. The Polenergia Group has been also a signatory of the Charter of Diversity since August 2019. Diversity management is a business strategy which creates and promotes equal opportunities, appreciates the values hidden in cultural differences between people, and uses the diversity potential for the effective pursuit of the organization’s goals. Therefore, in 2021, the Group concentrated on the actions supporting diversity of employees and equal opportunities for them as provided for in the CSR Strategy.

The Code is intended to serve as a practical guide for complying with the law, good manners, standards of behaviour arising from Polenergia Group’s organisational culture and generally accepted good business ethics.

The Code sets out a certain framework and is not intended to be a detailed instruction on how to act in every situation, such detailed rules of conduct are included in policies, by-laws and internal procedures, concluded agreements or are directly derived from the provisions of applicable law.

Furthermore, at Polenergia Group we respect and implement universally recognised human rights, in particular those contained in: The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, the UN Sustainable Development Goals, the European Commission’s Recommendations, the 10 principles of the United Nations Global Compact and the conventions of the International Labour Organisation.

The Code applies to all employees (irrespective of the legal basis of employment) and all permanent collaborators (irrespective of the form or scope of cooperation) of Polenergia S.A. and its subsidiaries (Polenergia Group).

We strive to ensure that our business partners (suppliers, subcontractors, investment partners) are also guided by these values.

Polenergia Group’s Code of Ethics provides for the possibility to report abuses in this sphere to the Compliance Officer or the Ethics Committee. Our contracts include provisions on compliance with ethical principles and care for employee rights, the environment and local communities.

Polenergia Group’s Code of Ethics can be found HERE.

The Ethics Committee has been operating in the Group since 2015. In 2020, in connection with the implementation of the CSR Strategy in the area of “Ethical business conduct”, an update of the Ethics Committee’s Regulations was drawn up. This Commission is tasked with reacting to and eliminating irregularities occurring within the Group’s structures and, above all, with creating and promoting ethical principles and values from the implemented Code of Ethics, not only among employees but also among our partners. Before the final version of the regulations was drafted, it was consulted with employees.

Contact with the Commission can be made through:

  • platform
  • By e-mail or post (Polenergia SA, ul. Krucza 24/26, 00-526 Warsaw, fax: +48 22 522 31 61)

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