ESG Service

Eco Rafting – Together for Cleaner Rivers

Eco Rafting – Together for Cleaner Rivers

On 25 May 2024, the first employee volunteer event in the series MAMY MOC! - Eco Rafting on the Liwiec River. The event was attended by 55 Volunteers in 35 canoes, who combined physical activity with an ecological mission and mutual integration.

ESG in Practice

Eko Rafting is an example of Polenergia Group’s commitment to its ESG strategy. Eco Rafting pursued the 14th UN Sustainable Development Goal – LIFE UNDER WATER, which focuses on protecting oceans, seas and marine resources. Seas and oceans are crucial to the world’s ecosystems, regulating climate, providing food and oxygen.

The importance of Water Conservation

During the rafting trip, we collected more than 150 kg of various types of waste (from packaging to construction waste), which will no longer pollute aquatic ecosystems from the Liwiec River to the Baltic Sea. They were worsening the condition of the coastal areas and posing a serious threat to the riverine and marine fauna and flora. It is therefore necessary to properly manage and finance responsible actions that protect the environment and support biodiversity.

A shared mission

With the Eco Rafting we have shown that joint action for environmental protection is possible and effective. Another kayaking trip will take place soon. Details coming soon!

We would like to thank all the Participants for their attendance and phenomenal commitment. Together we can do more! Let’s get together in the fight for clean rivers, seas and oceans!

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