ESG Service

Development of local communities

Development of local communities

Initiatives pursued for the benefit and development of local communities are very important to the Group. We are committed to ensuring that the residents of the regions, in which our investment projects are executed, benefit from our presence in their neighborhoods. We communicate clearly that our investments are long-term and that we care for good bilateral relations.

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Our cooperation with the inhabitants is based on continuous dialog and mutual engagement. Such initiatives are pursued mainly by the Group’s project companies, for example in the areas of development, construction, and operation

Map of social commitment

In its everyday activities, the Group focuses its attention on communities that live in the vicinity of its projects and, above all, on their needs. A particular emphasis is placed on establishing partnership relations and providing assistance. The ongoing cooperation and commitment are intended to maintain good relations and improve the quality of everyday life for local communities.

In March 2024, the Polenergia Group adopted the Social Engagement Policy, whose main goal is to build positive relationships, primarily with the local community and local governments, to enhance trust in the Company, the energy industry, and renewable energy sources.

The Polenergia Group considers social commitment as one of the elements supporting the implementation of its long-term development strategy, as well as an important component of its ESG strategy. All companies within the Polenergia Group are committed to building the position of a trusted partner at the local level. Their goals are not only to achieve good financial results but also to care for the local community and the natural environment.

The Group’s social activities include, among others: targeted donations, volunteer work carried out by the Group’s Employees, and support in the form of sponsorship for initiatives related to sports, education, cultural development and preservation of cultural heritage, as well as environmental protection. Furthermore, in carrying out our investments, we strive to influence the economic development and labor market of individual regions, including by contracting a significant amount of work to local companies.

In 2022, we launched the educational project Graj z nami w zielone!®, to which we invited primary schools and kindergartens located in the same area as Polenergia. 68 units are already working with us in the area of climate education. Some of these institutions have received financial support from us in the form of prizes for environmental competitions. We have also financed children’s and youth sports teams, holidays and rehabilitation camps wherever the Group’s projects are located, both those already in operation and the ones yet to be developed. We have supported local initiatives integrating communities, such as harvest festivals or local celebrations. We have also initiated cooperation with a number of Country Housewives’ Associations and Clubs for Senior Citizens and people with disabilities, which aim to activate local communities.

The section below contains detailed descriptions of the individual activities undertaken in this respect.

Polenergia and Equinor once again took part in the Łeba Festival

Hundreds of Łeba residents and tourists from all over Poland visited the stand of Polenergia and Equinor during the Łeba Festival. Visitors could learn more about offshore wind energy and take advantage of numerous attractions prepared by investors of offshore wind farms Bałtyk. Together with the residents, representatives of the companies marched through the streets of the city in the march of the Duchy of Łeba.


Biodiversity Protection Education – 3rd Edition of the Polenergia’s Educational Classes

The latest edition of classes on biodiversity protection was conducted as part of the project Play Green with Us!® These educational activities were carried out in local primary schools in the municipalities of Grabowo, Rajgród, Kwilcz, and in a kindergarten in the municipality of Żuromin.


Final of the Second Edition of Play Green with Us!

The second edition of the educational project Play Green with Us! has come to an end. In the 2023/2024 school year, nearly 7,000 students from over 75 schools participated in the program. More than 2,600 lessons on ecology and climate protection were conducted.


Polenergia’s Suleszek sculpture in Sulechów

Polenergia has its little knight Suleszek in Sulechów. This is the fourth knight created in this city. This figurine helps build local identity and mobilizes the local community to learn about legends and history.


Nearly 3000 students from Pomerania in the educational project of Equinor and Polenergia

Nearly 3000 pupils from 11 primary schools took part in an educational project run by Equinor and Polenergia in the Słupsk region. The aim of the investors’ campaign is to spread knowledge about offshore wind energy and the resulting benefits for the climate and the region among the youngest. Equinor and Polenergia jointly develop three wind farms in the Baltic Sea with a total capacity of up to 3,000 MW.


Omnibus Eco-logical Olympiad

The Pelplin Town and Commune Office, in cooperation with primary schools in the Pelplin Commune and the Polenergia Group, organized an ecological Olympiad for primary school students from the Pelplin Commune.


The Hydrogen Class from Nowa Sarzyna Attended the H2Poland Hydrogen Fair

From April 14th to 16th, the largest hydrogen fair in Poland, H2Poland, took place in Poznań.


We can watch the stork nest live!

From May 2024, we can watch the stork nest near the Primary School in Bierkowo live! This school is located in Słupsk County, where the Strzelino Photovoltaic Farm project is situated.


Polenergia supports educational and cultural activities for children, adults, and seniors

From September 2023 to April 2024, three cultural and educational projects were implemented in Lignowy Szlacheckie: ‘Senior Cafe,’ ‘Shine, Little Star, Shine,’ and ‘Kitchen Connecting Generations.’ They were organized by the Kociewskie Women’s Forum Association in collaboration with partners: the Senior Club and the Rural Housewives’ Circle. The funds for the events were provided by Polenergia, in accordance with the Group’s Social Engagement Policy.


The grand finale of the offshore wind energy competition

Almost 120 works on offshore wind energy were created as part of an art competition organized by Equinor and Polenergia. The competition was the culmination of the education campaign “One sea, many benefits. Offshore wind energy in my region”, which was attended by almost 1500 students from six primary schools in the Słupsk region. The final of the competition with prizes took place in the Lądowisko Kultury in Redzikowo near Słupsk.


Equinor and Polenergia build and educate together

Almost one and a half thousand children from six primary schools in the Słupsk region take part in the educational project “One sea, many benefits. Offshore wind energy in my region”. The organizers – Equinor and Polenergia – have planned interactive classes and an art competition with attractive prizes in schools.


Activities for diversity and equal opportunities undertaken in 2023

Diversity and equal opportunities represent one of the key areas of Polenergia Group’s social engagement in 2023. This domain encompasses initiatives aimed at countering social exclusion, promoting equal opportunities, particularly among the elderly and the sick. Projects also involve the activation of women from rural environments, senior clubs, and support for sports activities among women and girls.


Activities for sports and health undertaken in 2023

Taking into account the need for physical activation, especially among children and youth, the Polenergia Group supports initiatives that encourage active lifestyles and promote healthy living. Priorities include projects targeting marginalized communities, children and youth, the elderly, people with disabilities, and children from dysfunctional families.


Polenergia has taken patronage over a Hydrogen Technology Class at the General Education Lyceum No 1 in Nowa Sarzyna

Activities for climate education are part of the Polenergia Group’s Sustainable Development Strategy. We take all environmental activities very seriously, including those carried out as part of school or pre-school education. That is why we are committed to support those educational institutions that operate in communities where Polenergia projects are located and engage in our ‘Green Game’ project. In line with this commitment, we have partnered with the General Education Lyceum No 1 in Nowa Sarzyna to take patronage over their Hydrogen Technology Class.


Polenergia’s Day of Volunteering in the Otwarte Drzwi Association

Actions aimed at local communities play an incredibly important role in the activities of the Polenergia Group. Our responsibility goes beyond just business; it extends to caring for the community and the environment. As part of our employee volunteering program, on October 7th, over 30 employees, along with their families, gathered in the Praga district of Warsaw to support the Otwarte Drzwi Association.


Nature classes in schools

As part of the “Graj z nami w zielone!” initiative, a series of 12 nature lessons were conducted to familiarize children with the importance of biodiversity conservation. The classes took place in the vicinity of the Polenergia Wind Farms in Kostomłoty and Dębsk.


Local cooperation for the reception of refugees from Ukraine

In the territory of Kostomłoty Commune, where the Kostomłoty Wind Farm is being built, two places have been designated to organize accommodation for refugees. A total of 55 places will be prepared: 30 in the Senior Home in Kostomłoty and 25 in the building of the local common room in Mietków.


Local cooperation

In its efforts to help local communities, Polenergia does not act alone but has been cooperating with other companies in the region for a number of years.


Support of sports clubs and cultural centers

NSCP supports a number of sports clubs, cultural centers, and specific non-recurring initiatives that are important for its local community, which translates into excellent relations with local residents who also happen to be the Plant’s customers and employees.


Local activities of the Nowa Sarzyna Cogeneration Plant

For many years the Nowa Sarzyna Cogeneration Plant has been supporting initiatives that are important for the local community, which translates into excellent relations with local residents.


Activities benefiting local community – NSCP

Polenergia supports Nowa Sarzyna in environmental protection and sports activity of the young ones.


Support of a folk event

Dipol Sp. z o.o. Company (Puck Wind Farm) for a number of years has been supporting the organization of the folklore festival “Gnieżdżewo Boors’ Mischiefs”.


Books for the Climate

The World Wind Day, which falls on 15 June, is a great opportunity to launch Polenergia’s new educational campaign “Books for the Climate”. 750 books which will help readers care for clean air and stop climate changes, will be donated to 17 township and school libraries in the locations where Polenergia executes its green projects.


Training for Charity Leaders

After the charitable activity plan was adopted in 2020, in an effort to make the work of Facility Managers and Project Managers easier and help them identify local needs, the Charity Leaders Workshop was held in February 2021 entitled “How to act locally. Social programs in practice.”


Our local involvement at Szymankowo Wind Farm

As part of our community involvement, we implemented a number of activities in the Miłoradz commune, where we are building our Szymankowo Wind Farm.


Support for WOŚP – Mycielin Wind Farm

In 2019 Polenergia decided to support WOŚP, putting up for auction a trip up the wind turbine in the Mycielin wind farm.


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