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Activities for diversity and equal opportunities undertaken in 2023

Activities for diversity and equal opportunities undertaken in 2023

Diversity and equal opportunities represent one of the key areas of Polenergia Group's social engagement in 2023. This domain encompasses initiatives aimed at countering social exclusion, promoting equal opportunities, particularly among the elderly and the sick. Projects also involve the activation of women from rural environments, senior clubs, and support for sports activities among women and girls.

We Aid War Refugees from Ukraine

In 2023, Polenergia Group continued its support for refugees from Ukraine. Financial assistance was provided for the maintenance of women and children in the municipality of Nowa Sarzyna, support for psychologists and receptionists working for children from Ukraine at the Mazovian Neuropsychiatry Center, and compensation for a wrestling coach from the “Bloczek Team” Sports Club in Pelplin, originally from Ukraine. Polenergia Group supports refugees on a large scale and in the long term, as despite a decrease in the number of immigrants coming to Poland, their assistance is still essential.

We Support Gender Equality and Women's Empowerment

Polenergia has long collaborated with the Lesław Paga Foundation, which initiates and organizes educational and developmental projects. In 2023, Polenergia Group became a strategic partner of the ESG Leaders Academy. This initiative aims to develop the skills of women holding key roles in business organizations, especially in the field of sustainable development (ESG). The program, running from October 2023 to March 2024, includes lectures and workshops. There was a thematic lecture on implementing sustainable development strategies in the social sphere through the activation of the local community, presented by Magdalena Głowacka-Lorek, the ESG Manager of Polenergia S.A.

Polenergia continues its collaboration with the University of Gdańsk to disseminate knowledge and undertake actions supporting the implementation of the European Union’s sustainable economy. In 2023, we provided funds to finance two positions for women in postgraduate studies, “Education for Sustainable Development: Offshore Wind Energy,” organized by the Center for Sustainable Development at the University of Gdańsk. Through this initiative, we contribute to creating and promoting equal opportunities, appreciating the values hidden in cultural differences between people, and leveraging the potential of diversity for the effective implementation of diversity and inclusion efforts. Additionally, through this initiative, we support the education of future professionals in the energy sector.

Polenergia employees had the opportunity to participate in the webinar “A Woman Burns Out Differently.” The webinar was organized as part of the Career Cycle, a nationwide program for employers created by the Kulczyk Foundation. The webinar explored the impact of the menstrual cycle on psychological resilience and job satisfaction. This is an example of supporting employees, taking into account biological differences, and promoting mental health in the workplace.

We support and activate the Elderly

Polenergia regularly supports actively operating rural housewife clubs and senior clubs. The “Klub 50+ Skurpianki” stands out, consisting of 25 women who bring their proposals to the Skurpie village community. Thanks to Polenergia’s support, these women have the opportunity to organize meetings once a week. Another example of excellent organization for women and the elderly is the activity of the Kociewskie Forum Kobiet in the Pelplin commune, operating since 2006 for the local community’s benefit.

Since 2022, Polenergia Group has supported organizations that activate the elderly. In 2023, the number and amounts of subsidies were increased. As shown in the chart below, in 2022, the activities of 4 senior clubs and 7 rural housewife clubs were financed, while in 2023, support was extended to 8 senior clubs and 20 rural housewife clubs. Supporting these organizations contributes not only to the activation of local communities but also promotes the values of diversity and equal opportunities.

To enable members of local communities to pursue their dreams, Polenergia, in cooperation with the Kulczyk Foundation, organized two trips to Warsaw for students, volunteers, seniors, and senior citizens from the Żuromin and Grabowo communes. Participants had the opportunity to visit the Palace of Culture and Science, admire views from its summit, and then expand their knowledge about planetary diets and waste segregation as part of the “Play green with us!®” project. The trip concluded at the Copernicus Science Center, where children and senior citizens together explored the world of science.

Seniors also receive support through material donations and during employee volunteerism. In 2023, Polenergia supported the Open Doors Association three times. The association includes children, youth, and the elderly facing crises of hunger and, at times, homelessness.

1) During Easter, Polenergia employees organized a food and hygiene products collection, which was delivered to the 20 most needy seniors in the Praga-Północ district. The recipients could celebrate Easter peacefully and dignified. The seniors who received the packages were moved and grateful for the assistance. For more information:

2) In October, as part of employee volunteerism, over 30 employees, along with their families, went to Warsaw’s Praga to help the Open Doors Association again. After interesting nature workshops conducted by specialists from UNEP/GRID-Warsaw, Polenergia volunteers engaged in gardening activities. With great commitment, they planted flower bulbs, raked leaves, and trimmed branches, participating in caring for the areas around the association’s center and “Mały Książę” care center.

3) As part of the “Open Your Heart for the Holidays” initiative, seniors from Warsaw’s Praga-Północ received material support in the form of Christmas presents consisting of non-perishable food, cleaning and personal hygiene products, and Christmas gifts. Polenergia employees organized a collection during which they gathered items to prepare holiday packages for 10 seniors. Additionally, Polenergia S.A. supported 20 older individuals by financing warm meals for Christmas Eve dinner. This action allowed socially excluded elderly individuals to spend time with other seniors at the Christmas Eve table.

Volunteering at the Open Doors Association contributed to strengthening bonds among company employees and developed participants in the fields of environmental education and social engagement. Supporting the Praga community showed that through collaboration, we can create positive change both in the community and in ourselves.

The next initiative supporting, among others, the elderly was the organization of the Noble Package for needy families during the Christmas season. Food, textiles, and footwear were collected for 5 families from different regions of Poland. Home appliances and medical products that were lacking for the needy families were financed and donated by companies involved in this action: Polenergia S.A., Polenergia Elektrociepłownia Nowa Sarzyna, and Polenergia Obrót. The goal of the collection, enabling selected families to spend Christmas safely, peacefully, and plentifully, was achieved. The organization of the material collection was also an excellent opportunity for the integration of Polenergia Group employees and teamwork.

We support sick individuals and people with disabilities

In May 2023, six individuals from Polenergia Group collectively covered the marathon distance in a relay race. Their effort changed into financial support for children from the foundation “Na ratunek dzieciom z chorobą nowotworową” (The rescue of children with cancer). A total of PLN 1550 was collected and donated for the benefit of children. The amount was contributed by Polenergia employees, Polenergia S.A., and anonymous donors. The race took place in Kempa Potocka Park in Warsaw. Despite unfavorable weather conditions, participants gave their all for a noble cause.

Also in May, Polenergia Fotowoltaika donated a photovoltaic installation with a capacity of 9.84 kWp to the Special Educational and Care Center in Huta, Mazovia. The facility educates and rehabilitates 96 children with disabilities. The 9.84 kWp installation will generate over 8.5 MWh of clean, green energy annually, helping to avoid over 4 tons of carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere. Moreover, the investment will result in savings of approximately PLN 200,000 over the next 25 years for the institution. This marks the fifth charitable installation carried out as part of the Good Power by Polenergia program. For more details on this initiative, you can visit:

Organizations working for people with disabilities can also count on Polenergia’s support. We financed the equipment and initiatives of the “Siła Mam” Association, operating in the Żuromin county, bringing together mothers and families of children with disabilities. The main goal of the association and its activities is to act against the social exclusion of people with disabilities. Support was also extended to the “Dotyk Motyla” Association, which works for individuals with cancer. The event tent funded by Polenergia enables effective promotion of the association’s activities and education about helping people with cancer.

Helping Animals

In January 2023, Polenergia Fotowoltaika donated food and accessories for homeless animals sheltered at the Warsaw Shelter under the Dog’s Angel. The shelter provides safety, treatment, and prepares abandoned and abused dogs and cats for adoption. Employees managed to collect and donate over 100 kg of pet food.

In 2023, for Earth Day, employees of the Polenergia Group dedicated their time to charity work at the Pegasus Animal Shelter for homeless animals. The shelter aids various animals, including farm animals like horses, goats, donkeys, llamas; wild animals like raccoons, foxes; and domestic animals like cats, dogs, rabbits. 35 volunteers, for the third time, helped in the oldest shelter for farm animals in Poland. Participants collectively planted over 50 fruit trees and shrubs, cleaned and arranged an aviary for raccoons, and painted a new shed for horses, previously funded by the Polenergia Group. The work of volunteers made the Pegasus Shelter an even more beautiful and secure place for animals, and it also integrated people working in different companies within the Polenergia Group. More information about supporting the shelter can be found on the website:

In 2023, Polenergia not only continued its projects related to diversity and equal opportunities but also expanded its scope. Activating local communities, supporting women, the elderly and individuals with disabilities are integral parts of the company’s sustainable development strategy, aiming to create a positive impact on society, culture, and the environment.

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