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Good practices

ESG Stories

Pegasus Shelter powered by solar energy

Polenergia Photovoltaics has donated a 15 kWp solar power plant to the Pegasus Shelter.

6 December 2022

Nine years of the Montagu’s Harrier conservation project

The Polenergia Group has been supporting the Montagu’s Harrier conservation Program since 2014, implementing at the same time the Sustainable…

14 September 2022

Nine years of the Montagu’s Harrier Protection Project

Since 2014, the Polenergia Group has supported the Montagu's Harrier Protection Project, thus implementing the Sustainable Development Goals and the…

19 August 2022

Cleaning the Baltic beaches

The Baltic should be protected. The sea should be grateful for each piece of litter collected on the beach, not…

6 July 2022

Photovoltaic apiary full of honey

Let us share with you with our "electric" honey from the Photovoltaic Farms of Polenergia Group in Sulechów.

21 June 2022

Environmental analysis of honey-bearing flower meadow

Ecosystems’ restoration is an important activity of the Polenergia Group that we implement during the development of our projects.

30 July 2021

Replacement habitats for collared sand martins

Implementation of the “Green Deal” policy by the Group entails not only investments in renewable energy sources, but also the…

30 July 2021

Our local involvement at Szymankowo Wind Farm

As part of our community involvement, we implemented a number of activities in the Miłoradz commune, where we are building…

30 July 2021

Planting of greenery

Executing our projects we are always committed to minimize the environmental impact and to support the local community. Working with…

7 June 2021

Protection of birds and bats – Rajgród Wind…

There was also no elevated mortality among birds or bats.

21 May 2021

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