May 2021 was declared the European Diversity Month, but the Polenergia Group did not limit its diversity activities to that month only. Our actions to support an inclusive work culture in 2021 included, among others:
- The Code of Ethics of the Polenergia Group fully complies with the principle of equality and non-discrimination on the grounds enumerated in Article 183a § 1 of the Labor Code, which provides that employees should be treated equally as regards establishing and terminating an employment relationship, conditions of employment, promotion, and access to training in order to improve professional qualifications, in particular regardless of sex, age, disability, race, religion, nationality, political views, trade union membership, ethnic origin, denomination, sexual orientation, whether employed for a definite or indefinite term, full-time or part-time.
- Through the Work Regulations, Code Of Ethics, and Corporate Social Responsibility Strategy, the Polenergia Group implements the principle of equal treatment of all employees. The Group uses these implemented standards to promote these values also among its business partners.
- Polenergia has in place a procedure for notifying breaches of the equal treatment principle – both in the Group and among its business partners – and established the Ethics Committee to review such notifications.
- The Work Regulations enable remote work and flexible working hours. These solutions are addressed to all employees.