- Polenergia Group
- Environment
- Society
- Management
Indicator | GRI Standards | Comment / Link |
102-1 | Organization’s Name | Polenergia S.A. |
102-2 | Main brands, products and /or services | Meet the Polenergia Group |
102-3 | Location of the organization’s headquarters | Polenergia S.A. ul. Krucza 24/26 00-526 Warsaw |
102-4 | The number of countries in which the organization operates and providing the names of those countries | The Polenergia Group conducts operations mainly in Poland |
102-5 | Form of ownership and legal structure of the organization | Joint-stock company, publicly listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange. The company was included in the sWIG80 index. Shareholders: http://www.polenergia.pl/pol/pl/akcjonariat-0 |
102-6 | Supported markets | Meet the Polenergia Group |
102-7 | Activity scale | Meet the Polenergia Group |
102-8 | Number of own and supervised employees | Employer in the industry of the future |
102-9 | Description of value chain | Ethical supply chain |
102-10 | Significant changes in the reporting period regarding the size, structure, ownership form or value chain | Ethical supply chain |
102-11 | Explanation of whether and how the organization applies the precautionary principle | Environmental impact |
102-12 | External, accepted or supported by the organization economic, environmental and social declarations, principles and other initiatives | Partnerships |
102-13 | Membership in associations (such as industry associations) and/or in national/international organizations | Partnerships |
102-14 | Statement issued by the top management | CEO letter |
102-16 | Organization values, principles, codes and standards of behavior and ethic | Meet the Polenergia Group |
102-18 | The supervisory structure of the organization | Management Board and its responsibilities |
102-40 | List of stakeholder groups engaged by the organization | Dialogue with stakeholders |
102-41 | Percentage of employees covered by collective agreements | Employer in the industry of the future |
102-42 | Basis for identifying and selecting stakeholders engaged by the organization | Dialogue with stakeholders |
102-43 | An approach to engaging stakeholders | Dialogue with stakeholders |
102-44 | Key issues and problems raised by stakeholders and the response from the organization | About ESG Site, contact |
102-45 | Business units recognized in the consolidated financial statement | Consolidated Financial Statements for the year ended 31 December 2019 with the opinion of an independent certified audito is available at https://www.polenergia.pl/pol/en |
102-46 | The process of defining the content of the report | About ESG Site, contact |
102-47 | Significant aspects of identified social and environmental impact | About ESG Site, contact |
102-48 | Explanations regarding the effects of any adjustments to information contained in previous reports | No adjustments |
102-49 | Significant changes compared to the previous report | No significant changes |
102-50 | Reporting period | 01.01.2020-31.12.2020 |
102-51 | Date of publication of the last report | March 2020 |
102-52 | Reporting cycle | Annually |
102-53 | Contact person | Marta Porzuczek Director of the Environment Protection Department/EHS Plenipotentiary of the Board for CSR Polenergia SA ul. Krucza 24/26 00-526 Warsaw e-mail: Marta.Porzuczek@polenergia.pl |
102-54 | Compliance with GRI Standards | About ESG Site, contact |
102-55 | GRI content index | GRI table |
102-56 | Policy and current practice in the field of external verification of the report | About ESG Site, contact |
Economic Performance (GRI 201) | ||
103-1 | The nature of an important area | Climate impact management |
103-2 | Management approach (DMA) | Climate impact management |
103-3 | Measurement and evaluation | Climate impact management |
201-2 | Financial implications and other risks and opportunities due to climate change | Climate impact management |
Anti-Corruption (GRI 205) | ||
103-1 | The nature of an important area | Ethics and anti-corruption |
103-2 | Management approach (DMA) | Ethics and anti-corruption |
103-3 | Measurement and evaluation | Ethics and anti-corruption |
205-3 | Confirmed incidents of corruption and actions taken | Ethics and anti-corruption |
Materials (GRI 301) | ||
103-1 | The nature of an important area | Environmental impact |
103-2 | Management approach (DMA) | Environmental impact |
103-3 | Measurement and evaluation | Environmental impact |
301-1 | Used raw materials/materials by weight and volume | Environmental impact |
306-3 | Waste generated | Environmental impact |
Energy (GRI 302) | ||
103-1 | The nature of an important area | Environmental impact |
103-2 | Management approach (DMA) | Environmental impact |
103-3 | Measurement and evaluation | Environmental impact |
302-1 | Direct and indirect energy consumption by primary energy sources | Environmental impact |
Water and Effluents (GRI 303) | ||
103-1 | The nature of an important area | Environmental impact |
103-2 | Management approach (DMA) | Environmental impact |
103-3 | Measurement and evaluation | Environmental impact |
303-3 | Water withdrawal | Environmental impact |
Biodiversity (GRI 304) | ||
103-1 | The nature of an important area | Biodiversity |
103-2 | Management approach (DMA) | Biodiversity |
103-3 | Measurement and evaluation | Biodiversity |
304-2 | Description of the significant impact of activities, products and services on the biodiversity of protected areas and areas of high biodiversity value outside protected areas | Biodiversity |
304-3 | Protected or revitalized habitats | Biodiversity |
Emissions (GRI 305) | ||
103-1 | The nature of an important area | Climate impact management |
103-2 | Management approach (DMA) | Climate impact management |
103-3 | Measurement and evaluation | Climate impact management |
305-1 | Total direct greenhouse gas emissions by weight (Scope 1) | Climate impact management |
Environmental Compliance (GRI 307) | ||
103-1 | The nature of an important area | Environmental impact |
103-2 | Management approach (DMA) | Environmental impact |
103-3 | Measurement and evaluation | Environmental impact |
307-1 | Non-compliance with environmental laws and regulations | Environmental impact |
Labor/Management Relations (GRI 402) | ||
103-1 | The nature of an important area | Employer in the industry of the future |
103-2 | Management approach (DMA) | Employer in the industry of the future |
103-3 | Measurement and evaluation | Employer in the industry of the future |
402-1 | Minimum notice periods regarding operational changes | Employer in the industry of the future |
Occupational health and safety (GRI 403) | ||
103-1 | The nature of an important area | Occupational safety and health |
103-2 | Management approach (DMA) | Occupational safety and health |
103-3 | Measurement and evaluation | Occupational safety and health |
403-9 | Work-related injuries | Occupational safety and health |
403-10 | Work-related ill health | Occupational safety and health |
Training and Education (GRI 404) | ||
103-1 | The nature of an important area | Employer in the industry of the future |
103-2 | Management approach (DMA) | Employer in the industry of the future |
103-3 | Measurement and evaluation | Employer in the industry of the future |
404-2 | Programs for upgrading employee skills and transition assistance programs | Employer in the industry of the future |
404-3 | Percentage of employees receiving regular performance and career development reviews | Employer in the industry of the future |
Diversity and Equal Opportunity (GRI 405) | ||
103-1 | The nature of an important area | Managing diversity |
103-2 | Management approach (DMA) | Managing diversity |
103-3 | Measurement and evaluation | Managing diversity |
405-1 | Diversity of governance bodies and employees | Managing diversity |
Non-discrimination (GRI 406) | ||
103-1 | The nature of an important area | Ethics and anti-corruption |
103-2 | Management approach (DMA) | Ethics and anti-corruption |
103-3 | Measurement and evaluation | Ethics and anti-corruption |
406-1 | Incidents of discrimination and corrective actions taken | Ethics and anti-corruption |
Local community (GRI 413) | ||
103-1 | The nature of an important area | Local communities development |
103-2 | Management approach (DMA) | Local communities development |
103-3 | Measurement and evaluation | Local communities development |
413-1 | The nature, scale and effectiveness of programs and practices in assessing and managing the impact of the organization’s activities on the local community, including the impact of entering a given market, conducting and terminating operations | Local communities development |
Customer Privacy (GRI 418) | ||
103-1 | The nature of an important area | Risk management |
103-2 | Management approach (DMA) | Risk management |
103-3 | Measurement and evaluation | Risk management |
418-1 | Substantiated complaints concerning breaches of customer privacy and losses of customer data | Risk management |
Socioeconomic Compliance (GRI 419) | ||
103-1 | The nature of an important area | Risk management |
103-2 | Management approach (DMA) | Risk management |
103-3 | Measurement and evaluation | Risk management |
419-1 | Non-compliance with laws and regulations in the social and economic area | Risk management |
EU1 | Installed power generating capacity divided into generating sources | Indicators center |
EU2 | Net energy generated by generating sources | Indicators center |
EU25 | Number of accidents and fatalities | Indicators center |
EU28 | Frequency of power outage | Indicators center |
EU29 | Average time of power outage | Indicators center |