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Polenergia Obrót i sprzedaż

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Polenergia Obrót i sprzedaż

Polenergia Obrót specializes in wholesale trade in electricity, gas, property rights, CO₂ emission allowances and guarantees of origin. It operates on the Polish, German, Czech, Slovak, Hungarian and Ukrainian markets. It also offers a wide range of products and services dedicated to industrial clients and green energy producers.

Since October 2013, we have been an active direct member of the Polish Power Exchange, a supporting member of the Association of Energy Trading (TOE) and a regular member of the European Federation of Energy Traders (EFET). In parallel, we have been gradually increasing the number of trading partners on over-the-counter markets.

Trade in energy and emission allowances

In 2020, we obtained an extension of the electricity trading license in Poland. Since 2013, we have been a direct member of the EPEX SPOT SE exchange, and since 2018 also of the EEX exchange. Since 2016, we have been trading CO₂ emission allowances on the ICE exchange in London.

Trade in property rights from renewable energy sources and guarantees of origin

We also trade in property rights from certificates of origin, in both forward contracts and spot transactions.

Trading in gas

In 2014, we obtained a license for trading gaseous fuels domestically (OPG) and with foreign counterparties (OGZ). At the end of 2017, we started trading in natural gas on the ICE Endex.

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