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50 hectares of flower meadows on Polenergia solar farms

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50 hectares of flower meadows on Polenergia solar farms

For the seventh time, Polenergia presents a non-financial report on activities of Corporate Social Responsibility. The statement has been compiled in accordance with the Global Reporting Initiative guidelines and shows ESG activities carried out in 2021, as well as plans for the coming years. One of this year’s tasks has already been fully completed. 50 hectares of honey-bearing flower meadows have been sown, which enrich the biodiversity of the area around the Polenergia photovoltaic installations in Sulechów.

  • 706 GWh net electricity production from wind farms in 2021
  • 1 GWh of net electricity production from solar farms in 2021
  • 720 thousand tons of CO2 emissions avoided to the atmosphere as a result of clean electricity production from wind farms in 2021
  • 750 „Books for Climate” donated to municipal and school libraries
  • 600 plantings of trees and shrubs in 2021
  • 400 kg of annual honey production at Solar Farm Sulechów I
  • 51 initiatives supporting local communities in 2021

In terms of sustainable development, Polenergia consistently implements the assumed CSR strategy. Last year, we changed the form of presenting the non-financial statement from the annual report to an on-line service that allows not only the full presentation of the report, but most of all the current data update. It was the first ESG service launched in Poland among the energy sector companies, which is a comprehensive communication platform informing about the Group’s activities from an environmental, social and corporate governance perspective. This year, for the first time in the history of the Group, Polenergia will present green gas emissions in scopes 1 (direct GHG emissions) and 2 (indirect GHG emissions), as well as the Group’s approach towards climate impact management.

In 2021, we started preparing the entire Group for reporting in accordance with the TCFD requirements and the CSRD Directive, because 2022 will be a breakthrough in the area of non-financial reporting. We’ve already made our carbon footprint based on Scenarios 1 and 2 of the GHG Protocol available to stakeholders. This year, we are starting to work on a new ESG strategy for the coming years, where we plan to maintain our current activities in the field of sustainable development, as well as expand the scope of activities related to the environment, social activities and corporate governance.

Iwona Sierżęga

Member of the Polenergia Management Board supervising the Clean Fuels and Environmental Protection Division in the Group

Upon commissioning of the first Polenergia photovoltaic installations in Sulechów region, the Group implements projects supporting biodiversity. Due to technological reasons (row spacing, access roads), structures consisting of 30 thousand PV panels with a total capacity of 8 MW occupy only half of the entire 16-hectare area of the Sulechów I investment. Therefore, already in 2020, a decision was made to hand over the undeveloped land to nature and to create the so-called honey-bearing flower meadows in the farms’ area. In April 2022, after finishing the construction of further complexes of the Sulechów II and Sulechów III Photovoltaic farms with a total capacity of 21.5 MW, new flower meadows and pasture mixtures were sown on the area of 40 hectares. The introduced diversification of land use will allow to obtain a higher species richness of the habitat – from pasture communities with clover, alfalfa and phacelia cultivation, to rich flower meadows composed of a mixture of 20 different types of flowers and perennials. In this way, Polenergia not only produces green Energy, but also contributes to the creation of a multi-hectare acreage that strengthens the local biodiversity and constitutes a food base for wild pollinators. Polenergia’s photovoltaic farms are also a place of refuge and breeding ground for many families of birds and mammals, including strictly protected species.

At the beginning of 2020, Polenergia established in Sulechów a photovoltaic apiary consisting of 10 hives. The Pasieczysko is under the constant care of a beekeeper who knows the local conditions of beekeeping management. He takes care not only of the honey bee used in the beekeeping industry, but also of other pollinating insects. In order to provide room for the development of solitary bees in the area of photovoltaic farms, special houses have been made of wood, straw and clay. It will be a great place for the development of wild pollinating insects, which are so important for the environment. Special mounds were raised from the stones collected during the construction of the farm, which, mixed with reeds and branches, will be an excellent place for the development of bumblebees. Thanks to the diversified form of land use, the abundance of plants that flower at different times, bees and pollinators will have a lot of benefits. Moreover, they can feel safe in the area of solar farms in Sulechów. No one will use chemical sprays or pesticides in this area.

Large-scale solar farms are great places to help many species of animals, and above all, the pollinating insects that our lives depend on. This opportunity, related to the restoration of meadow ecosystems and the promotion of biodiversity, cannot be wasted. That is why we share our good practice and the effects of environmental observations on our solar farms. The enormous potential of new photovoltaic projects in Poland offers an opportunity to create similar biodiversity enclaves throughout the country.

Marta Porzuczek

Director of the Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development Department at the Polenergia Group

As part of the new wind projects’ development, Polenergia renews planting in local parks and squares, which are places of integration of residents of the municipalities surrounding the Group’s projects. Native plant species are planted as they are the food base for animals.

As a signatory of the Diversity Charter, Polenergia identifies itself with its responsible attitude and actions in the field of CSR with its values such as diversity, inclusive organizational culture or counteracting disrimination in the workplace. In 2021, the company was among the most advanced employers in managing the Diversity and Inclusion area. The list prepared by Responsible Business Forum, which is the coordinator of the Diversity Charter, included only 31 organizations in Poland that have already achieved a high level of implementation of measures to support diversity and are the most advanced in managing diversity and inclusion.

The declaration of joining the Global Compact Poland Ethics Program signed by the Group three years ago, developed on the basis of the United Nations Global Compact, is a confirmation of our continued commitment and building the best possible relationships with stakeholders. Polenergia also joined the UNGC „Standard of Ethics” Partnership in order to further strengthen ethical standards.

If you are interested in the Polenergia Group’s vision of responsible business, please visit our web

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