ESG Service

Goal 7 – Affordable and clean energy

Goal 7 – Affordable and clean energy

TARGETS implemented by the Strategy:

  • By 2030, ensureuniversal access to affordable, reliable and modern energy services​
  • By 2030, increasesubstantially the share of renewable energy in the global energy mix​
  • By 2030, doublethe global rate of improvement in energy efficiency​

Related Strategy Objectives:

  • E1. Decarbonisationof Polenergia Group own operations​
  • E2. Supportingthe green transformation of customers – development of the RES segment

Bee Day with Polenergia

On June 4th, Polenergia organized “Bee Day” at one of the Group’s photovoltaic farms located in the Sulechów municipality. The event was held for the second time in celebration of International Bee Day.


Biodiversity at the Strzelino Photovoltaic Farm

Polenergia Group, as part of its commitment to sustainable development and active protection of the environment, has taken more actions to increase biodiversity.


Activities for the Kamionka Valley nature reserve

Polenergia Group, being a leader in the green energy transition, is actively involved in sustainable development. Our ambition is to continuously reduce the negative impact on the environment, primarily by reducing CO2 emissions while increasing biodiversity, not only on our investment sites.


Centre for people with disabilities powered by green energy

Poland’s leading installer of photovoltaic systems, Polenergia Fotowoltaika, has donated a solar power station with a capacity of nearly 10 kWp to the Special Needs School and Education Centre in Huta, Mazowieckie Province. This is yet another donation made under the Good Power by Polenergia programme,


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