ESG Service

Impact on biodiversity

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Decision on environmental conditions

In 2015, the Project underwent the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) procedure conducted by the competent authority, i.e. the Voit of Miłoradz Municipality. The procedure ended with the issuance of a decision on environmental conditions permitting the construction of up to 20 turbines and the necessary infrastructure. However, the Company ultimately decided to build only 11 of the 20 turbines for which it had obtained permits, so the actual impact should be lower than the one anticipated during the EIA.

Pursuant to the decision on environmental conditions issued by the Voit of Miłoradz Municipality No. R.1.6220/2015 of 2 February 2015, ref. No. R.6220.V.24.2015, the ornithological and chiropterological monitoring is being carried out. The first year of monitoring scheduled for August 2021 – July 2022 was completed and the final report was submitted to the Regional Directorate for Environmental Protection and to the Municipality Office (on 16.09.2022). In 2022, further monitoring was commissioned. The activities will end in 2023.

Chiropterological analysis of the material collected in the first season of ex-post surveys demonstrates no need to take any additional dedicated measures (exceeding the scope of the decision on environmental conditions) mitigating or reducing the risk of collision with reference to the scope or operation time of the individual turbines with a view to bat protection.

Ornithological analysis of data from the first monitoring season showed no significant changes to the local and supra-regional structure of avifauna in the way of surrounding land use and in the moderate significance of this area for birds. Low actual mortality rate and only single cases of collisions of common bird species were determined.

Acoustic measurements began in September 2021 and ended in March 2022. The measurements showed compliance with the permissible noise levels for single-family residential development. The results of ex-post analysis were sent to the Regional Directorate for Environmental Protection in Gdańsk and to the Voit of Miłoradz Municipality. On 19.09.2022, the Regional Directorate for Environmental Protection issued the opinion on no qualifications to the methodology and results of analysis.

The reports for the first year of the ornithological, chiropterological and noise monitoring were submitted to the Municipality Office and they are available in the information point.

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