Polenergia Named Leader in the “ESG Ranking: Responsible Management”

The eighteenth edition of the "ESG Ranking: Responsible Management" (formerly the Ranking of Responsible Companies) concluded with an awards ceremony at the Leon Koźmiński Academy. This year, nearly 70 companies participated in the ranking, with almost 150 expressing interest. Ultimately, 62 companies qualified for the main list.

About the Ranking

The “ESG Ranking: Responsible Management” is the new iteration of the Ranking of Responsible Companies, which has long been a respected market barometer of the maturity of responsible management in the largest companies.

The ranking is based on results from the area of responsible and sustainable management, presented independently by companies in a survey and verified according to a methodology prepared by the authors – Professor Bolesław Rok from the Leon Koźmiński Academy and ESG analyst Jarosław Horodecki.

Every year, the survey content is adjusted to reflect the state of the market and stakeholder expectations. The preparation of the survey involved the specially appointed Scientific Council of the ESG Ranking, which includes experts from the Leon Koźmiński Academy and its partners: Climate Leadership UNEP/GRID and the Responsible Business Forum. Members of the Council are Maria Krawczyńska-Kaczmarek, Mariusz Gołąb, Aneta Skubida, Dr. Katarzyna Frankowiak, Piotr Biernacki, Dr. Eng. Agnieszka Sznyk, Dr. Hab. Robert Sroka, Michał Purol, Marcin Milczarski, Prof. Franjo Mlinaric, and Piotr Kowalik.

This year, the difficulty level of the survey, which forms the basis for the ranking, was very high, with questions covering all areas related to ESG reporting. The survey contained as many as 70 questions of varying nature across eleven sections. It directly references the latest reporting guidelines within the European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS), which currently apply to selected entities operating in the Polish market and, within two years, will encompass over 3,000 of the largest companies.

Polenergia ranked 1st in the G category and 3rd in the "Fuels, Energy, Mining" sector

This year’s ranking highlighted leaders in various ESG areas:

In the E (Environmental) category, the leader is Signify Poland.

In the S (Social) category, the leader is the Ergo Hestia Group.

In the G (Governance) category, the highest possible score was achieved by 12 companies, including Polenergia, Ergo Hestia Group, BNP Paribas Bank Polska, ING Bank Śląski, Jeronimo Martins Polska, NatWest Group Polska, Kompania Piwowarska, Santander Bank Polska, Signify Poland, Credit Agricole Polska, Polish Oil and Gas Company (PKN Orlen), and Bank Ochrony Środowiska.

In the “Fuels, Energy, Mining” sector, the winner was Tauron Polska Energia, with Energa in second place, and Polenergia and Polska Grupa Energetyczna (PGE) sharing third place.

These results are the fruit of many years of work by the ESG Team operating within the Department of Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development, directed by Marta Porzuczek. The ESG Team members are Magdalena Głowacka-Lorek, Agnieszka Łukasiak, and Monika Żywuszko-Białas.

ESG Ranking: Responsible Management,"

The “ESG Ranking: Responsible Management,” first published in 2007, is the most important listing on the Polish market, assessing the largest companies in terms of the quality of responsible management in accordance with ESG guidelines.

For more information about the ranking results, visit http://www.rankingodpowiedzialnychfirm.pl/

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