ESG Service

In Polenergia WE HAVE THE POWER!

In Polenergia WE HAVE THE POWER!

In April 2024, the Polenergia Group launched a new employee volunteer grant program called WE HAVE THE POWER!  

Employees submitted their ideas for volunteer work and gathered colleagues, family, and friends who were willing to join them in efforts to help those in need. Volunteers carried out seven projects for social organizations, providing support to more than 500 people in need!

The projects involved organizing educational activities for children, developmental workshops for seniors, renovation work for people with disabilities, and cleaning up the Liwiec River.

On July 23rd, a meeting was held with the employees of the Polenergia Group who submitted their own projects for the first edition of the WE HAVE THE POWER! employee volunteer grant competition. It was an opportunity to share experiences, insights, and the challenges faced by the volunteers, as well as to exchange thoughts and reflections.

During the meeting, Iwona Sierżęga, a member of the Management Board of the Polenergia Group, emphasized, “We can be proud of the implementation of so many projects” and congratulated the leaders and volunteer teams on their achievements. She also highlighted that “The employee volunteer program brings benefits on many levels. In addition to the support received by the project beneficiaries, volunteers gain personal satisfaction, which translates into the well-being of the company’s employees,” said Iwona Sierżęga.

The volunteers emphasized that carrying out the projects and meeting with the beneficiaries of their efforts brought them immense joy and positively impacted team integration.

Emila Grabowska, President of the Q Zmianom Association and a member of the Competition Committee, who was present at the meeting, highlighted the importance of a sense of agency in executing volunteer projects and the value of celebrating together.

Once again, we thank and congratulate everyone for the successful projects in the first edition of WE HAVE THE POWER! We believe that the program will continue to grow in the coming years, and even more people will get involved in its second edition!

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