ESG Service

CukierAsy (SugarAces) – Red Card to Diabetes

CukierAsy (SugarAces) – Red Card to Diabetes

For several years, Polenergia supports the activities of CukierAsy – an association which integrates children with Type 1 diabetes, their parents and guardians. The statutory activity of the association is also to broaden knowledge about diabetes in the society at large.

CukierAsy is also an amateur sports team. Polenergia supports the organization of the Polish Indoor Championships “Red Card to Diabetes”, in which children suffering from the illness participate. In addition, on the occasion of the World Diabetes Day, observed on 16 November, a special calendar was published.

Diabetes is a social illness which affects an increasingly greater number of people. Every 5 seconds, diabetes is diagnosed in another person in the world. Every 10 seconds, somebody dies from complications of the illness, and at a global scale, already 285 million patients try to fight it. The estimated number of people suffering from diabetes in Poland is over 2.17 million, which is more than 5 percent of the Polish society. More than 450 thousand people are not aware of their disease. Over recent years, diabetes has reached a high rank in the hierarchy of the most important health problems of the world. In 2006, the United Nations Organization adopted a resolution recognizing the diabetes epidemic as the first non-communicable epidemic of the modern civilization.

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