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Final of the Second Edition of Play Green with Us!

Final of the Second Edition of Play Green with Us!

The second edition of the educational project Play Green with Us! has come to an end. In the 2023/2024 school year, nearly 7,000 students from over 75 schools participated in the program. More than 2,600 lessons on ecology and climate protection were conducted.

The principles of climate education within the Play Green with Us! program are implemented in primary schools and kindergartens located in areas where Polenergia Group’s renewable energy projects are operating or planned. The second edition of the ecological educational project, which was launched in the spring of 2022, concluded in June 2024.

In collaboration with participating educational institutions, Polenergia Group carried out numerous environmental activities, raising awareness among students about climate change. Teachers actively implemented the Play Green with Us! lesson plans in the 2023/2024 school year. They conducted over 2,600 lesson hours in three areas: circular economy and waste segregation – “Smart Waste Tips”, renewable energy sources – “We Act with Energy”, and water management – “Water Adds Health”.

Project-based learning teaches creativity, making appropriate decisions, and choices. It helps teach, plan, and organize work. It's a great source of knowledge.

Katarzyna Leończyk

teacher at Primary School in Bierkowo, Redzikowo municipality, Strzelino Photovoltaic Farm area

Thanks to the excellent work of teachers from over 75 schools and kindergartens, we increased young people’s knowledge on important topics related to the climate crisis. Additionally, we motivated them to maintain a clean and green environment by showing that human actions impact the appearance of our planet. Teachers encouraged and supported the youth and children in taking initiatives to reduce their negative environmental impact.

Play Green with Us!® is an initiative that deserves special attention due to its innovative approach to ecological education. As a teacher, I see great potential in this project to develop ecological awareness among students and promote a sustainable lifestyle. The strengths of the project are its interactivity and engagement. The project is designed to engage students through interactive activities, games, and tasks. This not only makes learning more enjoyable but also more effective as students learn through experience.

Judyta Szczuka

teacher at Primary School in Kije, Sulechów municipality, Sulechów Photovoltaic Farm area

Teachers emphasize that through the Play Green with Us! classes, students gained knowledge about the importance of recycling, energy, and water conservation. The activities carried out within the program not only enriched their theoretical knowledge but also enabled them to acquire practical skills. The comprehensive approach helps students understand how different actions affect the environment.

I believe that the program meets students' expectations and enriches their knowledge. The program enjoys great interest among students and their parents, as evidenced by their involvement in competitions and various activities at school and in the local community. We will continue programs with Polenergia. The educational project Play Green with Us! is cool.

Beata Dąbrowska

teacher at Primary School in Chojnów, Żuromin municipality, Dębsk Wind Farm area

Within the Play Green with Us! program, schools and kindergartens can also carry out eco-projects and eco-competitions. These allow students to apply the knowledge gained during eco-classes in practice. In the second edition of the program, a total of 42 eco-projects and 38 eco-competitions were implemented.

Ideas for eco-projects and eco-competitions are submitted by teachers. Teachers, together with students, often manage the areas around the school, creating new green spaces. In some institutions, parents and grandparents are also invited to participate in school gardening work. This creates an atmosphere of cooperation and engagement for the benefit of the institution and the climate.

Creating school gardens has many educational, social, and health benefits. School gardens contributed to effectively teaching children about nature, plant life cycles, and the importance of the environment. Students had the opportunity to learn practically how to grow plants. Working in school gardens is an alternative form of physical activity. Contact with nature helped reduce stress and improve well-being. Working together in gardens developed communication, bonds among students, and above all, integrated the school community.

Marzena Staroń

Deputy Headmistress of Primary School No. 2 named after Kornel Makuszyński, Żuromin municipality, Dębsk Wind Farm area

The rules for school or municipal eco-competitions are developed by teachers. They take various forms, from art contests and photography competitions to knowledge contests. Each competition aims to engage students in activities for the climate and environment through enjoyable play. Teachers strive to draw attention to ecosystem protection, promote waste segregation, foster a love and respect for nature, develop artistic, technical, and manual skills, stimulate imagination, and promote eco-friendly family leisure activities.

The implementation of activities within the Play Green with Us! project is possible thanks to the excellent cooperation with over 270 teachers. Thanks to the commitment of teachers and principals, who play green with Polenergia, we can speak of the successful implementation of the project’s goals. We increased awareness and knowledge among the younger generation regarding nature protection and climate change. Therefore, we thank all the educators involved for their joint efforts towards a sustainable future! Just as you teach your students, only by working together can we achieve more!  

Thank you!

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