Earth Day

On April 22nd - as every year - we celebrated Earth Day. Observing this day is very important because it emphasizes concern for the environment and promotes ecological awareness. Through various activities and events, people are encouraged to reflect on the impact of their actions on the planet.

Representatives from Polenergia celebrated Earth Day together with the community of Kulice, a village located near the planned Rajkowy Photovoltaic Farm in the Pelplin municipality. Agnieszka Łukasiak and Monika Żywuszko-Białas participated in an academy on Earth Day at the Kulice Primary School and Kindergarten, and then, together with students, teachers, and residents of the municipality, set out to clean up the world. In total, we managed to collect over 30 bags of waste.

Polenergia also supported Earth Day celebrations at the Primary School in Lubosz, located near the Piekło Wind Farm and the 16 Wind Farm project. Children took part in a creative ecological contest and prepared flowers from waste, giving them a second life. The students’ works demonstrated a high level of artistic skill. Prizes for the contest winners were provided by Polenergia.

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