ESG Service

Preparations for construction of the Szymankowo Wind Farm

Preparations for construction of the Szymankowo Wind Farm

Preparatory works for the construction were performed at the turn of 2020. The local community was informed about the project commencement.

A consultation point was launched near Miłoradz, where all materials concerning the project as well as contact details of the site manager and the Group’s Environmental Protection Department were made available.

During coordination conferences, construction work contractors were familiarized with the environmental requirements for the project and with the environmental supervision inspectors, who will monitor the earthworks in accordance with the Group’s practice. The companies with which Polenergia cooperates undertook to comply with its ethical standards (find out more).

The work commencement will involve also the preparation of a plan of use of roads for transporting construction materials and turbines themselves. The plan will be available to all residents of the nearby towns and villages and will be consulted with local authorities. Group’s partners will appoint contact persons, who will receive any comments and answer any questions regarding the construction and work organization.

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