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Biodiversity Protection Education – 3rd Edition of the Polenergia’s Educational...

Biodiversity Protection Education – 3rd Edition of the Polenergia’s Educational Classes

The latest edition of classes on biodiversity protection was conducted as part of the project Play Green with Us!® These educational activities were carried out in local primary schools in the municipalities of Grabowo, Rajgród, Kwilcz, and in a kindergarten in the municipality of Żuromin.

A total of 19 lessons were conducted, involving 435 students and 41 teachers and guardians. The students gained knowledge and skills through experiences, educational games, and activities. The scope of material, content, teaching aids, games, and methods were tailored to the educational level of each group.

The classes were well-received by both students and teachers. Positive evaluations and good reviews from participants attest to the relevance and necessity of such educational initiatives. School management expressed their approval and willingness to participate in the next edition of the educational activities.

The main theme of this edition was “Biodiversity Protection – Cavity-nesting Birds.” The April classes in the schools located in the Grabowo municipality were integrated into Earth Day celebrations, while the meeting at SP Rydzewo coincided with Stork Day on May 31st.

The children eagerly prepared drawings of storks and learned about the habits, biology, and behavior of the white stork.

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