ESG Service

Bee Day with Polenergia

Bee Day with Polenergia

On June 4th, Polenergia organized "Bee Day" at one of the Group's photovoltaic farms located in the Sulechów municipality. The event was held for the second time in celebration of International Bee Day.

Students and their teachers from primary schools in the Sulechów and Niegosławice municipalities were invited to participate. Since 2022, these schools have been working with Polenergia on climate education as part of the ecological project Play Green with Us!®

More than 100 people from schools in Bukowo, Kalsk, Cigacice, Sulechów, and Przecław attended the event. Children and youth had the opportunity to participate in three specially prepared workshops:

  • “How do we obtain energy from renewable sources?” using the example of the operation of photovoltaic farms. This workshop was led by experts from the Polenergia Group: Adam Maliszewski, Krzysztof Mielczarek, and Michał Mroczkowski. The students had the opportunity to enter the photovoltaic farm, see how solar energy is produced, and understand the process it undergoes to reach our homes.
  • “How do bees live?” was organized by beekeeper Krystian Bedynek, who takes care of the apiary located on the Polenergia photovoltaic farm. Workshop participants learned about the life cycle of bees and their essential role in nature. They were also introduced to the process of honey production and its uses, such as beeswax. At the end, everyone had the chance to make their own beeswax candle.
  • “Insects among us” was a workshop led by entomologist Alicja Dubicka-Czechowska from the University of Zielona Góra, who introduced participants to the fascinating world of insects. Children had the opportunity to catch insects without harming them, observe their habits, and learn about the complex ecosystem.

During breaks between lectures, students had the chance to decorate a commemorative mug. They emphasized that the lesson was wonderful because it combined learning, fun, and direct experiences of the world.

The Sulechów Photovoltaic Farm turned into a laboratory of experiencing, learning, gaining knowledge, and building mutual relationships.

We thank Project Managers Adam Maliszewski, Krzysztof Mielczarek, and Michał Mroczkowski for organizing “Bee Day,” dedicating their time, and sharing their knowledge and experience. We also thank Magdalena Głowacka-Lorek and Agnieszka Łukasiak from the ESG Team for coordinating the event!

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