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Climatic Reading at Polenergia

Climatic Reading at Polenergia

Polenergia employees are very much encouraged to check out the new books in our Company's Climatic Reading Library. We have decided to restock our Library after a nature walk around Całowanie bog in May. This walk has inspired us to expand our knowledge of ornithology and entomology.

During the walk, we gained a lot of knowledge about the bog, which is one of the largest peat bogs in Mazowieckie Voivodeship. Peat bogs, such as this one, accumulate large amounts of organic plant material. When peat bogs are healthy and intact, they act as carbon stores, helping to reduce greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere.

But that was not all: we saw and heard birds. Paweł Pstrokoński, the ornithologist who was showing us around, imitated the voices of birds we could not hear. And there were many birds we had the opportunity to see and/or hear during the walk: mallards, pheasants, wood pigeons, cuckoos, cranes, western marsh harriers, hoopoes, great spotted woodpeckers, magpies, ravens, great tits, sedge warblers, great reed warblers, reed warblers, barn swallows, wood warblers, willow warblers, chiffchaffs, blackcaps, whitethroats, northern wrens, blackbirds, robins, thrush nightingales, house sparrows, chaffinches, yellowhammers and reed buntings.

We encourage everyone to expand their knowledge of ornithology, learn about the birds of Poland and try birdwatching during the coming holidays (long June weekend and holidays). This is why we have equipped our Climatic Reading Library with several interesting bird atlases for children and adults:

  1. Interesting bird atlases
  2. “Europe’s Birds: An Identification Guide” (Polish edition)
  3. “Dzieciaki czy znacie ptaki” (“Kids, Do You Know Birds”)
  4. “The Secret Life of Birds” (Polish edition)

The Library also contains interesting popular science books:

“The Genius of Birds”, showing us that birds are not exactly “bird-brains” – carrion crows use passing cars to split nuts, and Clark’s nutcrackers can hide their supplies (up to 30,000 seeds) over an area of several kilometres. They can find their way to thus created “buffets” even months later. Did you know that?

And what is the relationship between ants and butterflies? Have you ever wondered about that? This is what we have also learnt during our walk around Całowanie bog😊. Myrmecophilous butterflies (e.g. the blues) are butterflies that use ants for their development. In order for a caterpillar to survive, it must lure ants of a certain species by emitting an odour identical to that of ant larvae, so that the ants carry it to the anthill full of tasty ant larvae. And that is not all: it also imitates the sounds made by the queen ant. This allows it to get even better food and care. Are you interested in relationships in the world of insects?

Read “Dlaczego motyl zjada muchę? Ewolucyjne opowieści o motylach i ćmach”(“Why Does a Butterfly Eat a Fly? Evolutionary Stories of Butterflies And Moths”).

“The Disappearance of Butterflies”(Polish edition) tells us how quickly these fascinating insects are becoming extinct, why this is happening and what we can do to prevent it.

The book “Tales from the Ant World” (Polish edition) presents the fascinating world of the feeders of the above-mentioned butterflies, who also have their own ways of survival. Have you heard of Basiceros ants?  They are the dirtiest ants of all, covering their bodies with dust and rubbish for camouflage – interesting, right? The world of nature is fascinating!

Our Climatic Reading Library has also been stocked with books on biodiversity and plant atlases, as well as certain recent publications about climate change (such as “Race for Tomorrow” by Simon Mundy).

All the books mentioned above are located in our Polenergia Group office space, which is accessible to all employees. We encourage you to check out our new books and to share your insights with others.

Climatic reading allows us to improve our internal, family, home climate, at the same time focusing on the improvement of climate on Earth, which is the home of all of us.

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