ESG Service

Goal 17 – Partnership for the goals

Goal 17 – Partnership for the goals

In conducting our sustainability activities, we engage in a number of initiatives with stakeholders. By conducting joint activities, the Polenergia Group implements the objectives of Goal 17 – Partnership for the Goals.

Social engagement and biodiversity actions report of the Polenergia Group for 2024


Polenergia’s Collaboration with the Lesław Paga Foundation: A Strategic Partnership for Developing Future Talent in the Energy Sector

For the past five years, Polenergia Group has been a strategic partner of the Energy Leaders Academy, organized by the Lesław A. Paga Foundation and aimed at fostering the next generation of leaders in the energy industry.


Actions for Education and Culture Undertaken in 2024

Actions for environmental and climate education have a significant impact on shaping responsible attitudes in society.


The Progress of the Play Green with Us!® Project in 2024

Climate education is key to building a future where environmental care becomes an integral part of everyday life.


Offshore wind farms Bałtyk getting closer. Summary of 2024

The year 2024 was an important period for offshore wind energy in Poland, including the projects developed by Equinor and Polenergia. The Companies obtained a set of permits for the Bałtyk 2 and 3 projects, both of which will enter the construction phase this year, and prepared the Bałtyk 1 project, the largest planned offshore wind farm in the Polish Baltic, for the auction in 2025.


At the Harvest Festival about offshore wind energy

On September 7th and 8th, the Harvest Festival of the Redzikowo Commune and the Słupsk County took place in Swołowo. The stand of Equinor and Polenergia was widely popular among the region’s residents. The companies once again had the opportunity to introduce the local community to offshore wind energy.


In Polenergia WE HAVE THE POWER!

In April 2024, the Polenergia Group launched a new employee volunteer grant program called WE HAVE THE POWER!  


Final of the 2nd Edition of the Sports Challenge POWER UP!

From April 6th 2024 until the end of June, employees of Polenergia competed and motivated each other in the sports challenge POWER UP! Their kilometers, steps, and even exercise time were converted by Polenergia into a donation of 30,000 PLN in support of the CukierAsy Association!


Biodiversity Protection Education – 3rd Edition of the Polenergia’s Educational Classes

The latest edition of classes on biodiversity protection was conducted as part of the project Play Green with Us!® These educational activities were carried out in local primary schools in the municipalities of Grabowo, Rajgród, Kwilcz, and in a kindergarten in the municipality of Żuromin.


Final of the Second Edition of Play Green with Us!

The second edition of the educational project Play Green with Us! has come to an end. In the 2023/2024 school year, nearly 7,000 students from over 75 schools participated in the program. More than 2,600 lessons on ecology and climate protection were conducted.


Polenergia Named Leader in the "ESG Ranking: Responsible Management"

The eighteenth edition of the “ESG Ranking: Responsible Management” (formerly the Ranking of Responsible Companies) concluded with an awards ceremony at the Leon Koźmiński Academy. This year, nearly 70 companies participated in the ranking, with almost 150 expressing interest. Ultimately, 62 companies qualified for the main list.


Impatiens glandulifera from the Słowiński National Park

Aware of the importance of biodiversity as the foundation of life and an important factor in the well-being of people, the environment and the climate, Polenergia is actively involved in protecting ecosystems and enhancing biodiversity. For another year, we have taken action under the Re:Generation program, which is a direct response of UNEP/GRID-Warsaw to the Decade of Ecosystem Restoration announced by the UN from 2021 to 2030.


Partnership in safety: Polenergia and other leading offshore wind energy developers join forces

Polenergia, together with other developers, has undertaken an inspiring initiative that heralds a new era in occupational health and safety in offshore wind energy in Poland. Polenergia has officially announced its commitment to raise occupational health and safety standards in the dynamically developing new renewable energy sector.


Reader-Art Contest under the Patronage of Polenergia

As part of the Climate Reading initiative, Maria Konopnicka Primary School in Miłoradz and Father Jan Twardowski Primary School in Kończewice, located near FW Szymankowo, organized an Inter-School Reader-Art Contest for students in grades I-VIII.


Polenergia as a Strategic Partner of the ESG Leaders Academy

The Polenergia Group advocates for a responsible approach to business, the environment, and local communities. For this reason, we have become a Strategic Partner of the ESG Leaders Academy, organized by the Lesław Paga Foundation.


Polenergia’s Day of Volunteering in the Otwarte Drzwi Association

Actions aimed at local communities play an incredibly important role in the activities of the Polenergia Group. Our responsibility goes beyond just business; it extends to caring for the community and the environment. As part of our employee volunteering program, on October 7th, over 30 employees, along with their families, gathered in the Praga district of Warsaw to support the Otwarte Drzwi Association.


Together In Support of Pomerania Offshore Wind Energy Competence Centre

The Polenergia Group, together with Equinor, Rumia Municipality and Rumia Invest Park signed a Letter of Intent on the plan to cooperate as part of the Pomerania Offshore Wind Energy Competence Centre. The parties declare their desire to reinforce the labour market necessary for efficient development of wind energy at the Baltic Sea.


Catch the Big Fish!

Tens of thousands of specialists will be employed in offshore wind farm projects in the Baltic Sea. Employers who are looking for qualified staff presented students with a wide range of professional opportunities during the Offshore Career Day 2022 Catch the Big Fish! The stand of Polenergia and Equinor was visited by several hundred people interested in a career offshore.


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