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The grand finale of the 10th edition of the Energy...

The grand finale of the 10th edition of the Energy Academy is behind us

13 December officially marked the end of this year's Energy Academy. This is one of the flagship programs of the Lesław A. Paga Foundation, which celebrated its 10th anniversary this year. For two months, 29 participants learned about the power industry through the lens of market leaders.

The theme of this year’s edition was “A decade of change” and the subject matter of the workshops and lectures focused on 5 modules: energy market, national energy security, distributed energy, EU energy policy in the coming decade and new technologies in the energy sector.

We are convinced that the next decade will be a period of real revolution for the power industry. That is why, as a Group committed to building energy of the future based on renewable sources and green hydrogen, we have been participating for many years in the education of future energy sector personnel. Over the past two months, we have been discussing with the participants of the Energy Academy the strategic directions of Polenergia's development, our activities in the area of project construction and operation, and new business lines. We also talked about the essence and role of ESG in the responsible energy sector of tomorrow. It was a real pleasure and at the same time a great responsibility to be once again the Strategic Partner of the Energy Academy.

Iwona Sierżęga

Polenergia Group Management Board Member

The two-month work of the participants was crowned with the finale which took place at the Magic Mind Museum at Plac Konesera in Warsaw. Apart from Academy participants, there were present alumni, honorary guests and representatives of partner companies – among them Grzegorz Lot, Vice-President of the Management Board of Polenergia Dystrybucja representing the Polenergia Group, which was the Strategic Partner of the 10th Energy Academy.

At the beginning of their learning at the Academy, participants were divided into groups to work on case studies. All topics proposed by partner companies corresponded to one of the five modules:

  • POLENERGIA S.A. – Planning issues related to locating transmission infrastructure as a barrier to dynamic development of Offshore Wind Energy.
  • EDISON ENERGIS – What will the Photovoltaic Market in Poland look like in the next 10 years?
  • ENERGY FORUM – A decade of changes in district and individual heating. How can the heat and buildings sector be FIT FOR 55?
  • GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. – Farmer protest in Raczki at the construction site of the strategic gas pipeline between Poland and Lithuania.
  • POLSKIE SIECI ELEKTORENERGETYCZNE S.A. – A solution for maintaining system security.

During the grand finale, the results of all the teams’ work were presented. The winning group turned out to be the one solving the task of Polskie Sieci Elektroenergetyczne S.A. The jury consisted of, among others, Marta Porzuczek – Polenergia S.A. and Bartosz Majewski – Edison Energia.

All attendees also had the opportunity to test their strength in a quiz on the energy sector. The winner of the competition was an alumni of the 9th edition of the Energy Academy Jakub Kutyła. After the awards and diplomas were handed out, came the part so loved by many – networking! An extraordinary opportunity to get to know the participants of the 10th edition of the Energy Academy as well as all the attendees. All this took place in the magical Museum of Illusions, which all guests also had the opportunity to visit.

The tenth edition of the Energy Academy has officially ended, but for all participants it is just the beginning of their journey in the energy sector. Their good preparation cannot be denied.

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