ESG Service

Social engagement and biodiversity actions report of the Polenergia Group...

Social engagement and biodiversity actions report of the Polenergia Group for 2024

We present the report summarizing the activities of the Polenergia Group in the areas of social engagement and biodiversity protection carried out in 2024: Social Engagement and Biodiversity Actions Report of the Polenergia Group

This is the second comprehensive social engagement report published by the Polenergia Group. The first one covered actions taken in 2023: Social engagement and biodiversity actions report of the Polenergia Group 

Prior to this, since 2015, the Polenergia Group had published information about its engagement in CSR reports. In order to ensure transparent communication of the good practices we build, we have committed to preparing an annual report dedicated solely to these activities.

The year 2024 was another step in our company’s journey of intense efforts in the field of social engagement and sustainable development. In accordance with our ESG Strategy, we implemented initiatives that contribute to improving the quality of life in local communities and strengthening the engagement of our employees.

We support local communities living near the Polenergia Group’s projects. Our actions are based on active cooperation, dialogue, and responding to the real needs of the communities we are connected to. This is how we perceive corporate responsibility in the face of contemporary global challenges. In our case, this responsibility extends not only to the energy transition but also to supporting the development of regions and local communities and - equally importantly - engaging our employees in efforts for the common good.

Adam Purwin

President of the Management Board, Polenergia S.A.

Social engagement is the foundation of the energy transformation in Poland, supports regional development, and contributes to building a united and active civil society. Therefore, since 2023, in line with our ESG Strategy, we allocate 1% of the Group’s consolidated net profit to activities related to social engagement.

The projects we undertake cover four key areas outlined in the updated Social Engagement Policy from 2024. We place special emphasis on promoting health and physical activity, particularly among children and youth. We support initiatives for diversity and equal opportunities, including support for Senior Clubs, Rural Women’s Circles, and organizations working for people with disabilities.

Another key area of our efforts is climate education and the development of future energy sector professionals. We believe that by sharing knowledge about climate protection with younger generations, we inspire them to work together for a better future. While implementing tasks in these areas, we always ensure that our actions have a positive impact on the environment.

We also invite you to read articles outlining the actions taken in these areas.

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