The signing of the Memorandum of Understanding was preceded by more than a year of cooperation between industry players, who worked out assumptions for the further development of SHP in Poland in six competence areas. These areas are reflected in the adopted strategic goals and include assumptions for the development of personnel and the education system, R&D, development of Polish industry and participation of Polish companies, logistics of port facilities and impact on coastal regions, social education and stakeholder cooperation. Group 6 on stakeholder cooperation was led and managed by a representative from Polenergia.
In addition, we launched a broader planned organizational campaign in 2021 with an open presentation of project assumptions presented at a briefing for the administration.
As part of the launch of the second phase of development of the Baltic II and Baltic III OWF projects, an information meeting was held in Gdansk on October 27 for representatives of public administration bodies that will be involved in the extensive process of issuing decisions and permits related to the development of the offshore wind energy sector in Poland.
The organized meeting brought together more than 60 participants from 26 institutions, and was an opportunity to present details of the current phase of project development, the planned investment schedule, and to introduce the key technological elements that will be used in the various components of the projects. Transparent communication of information and creation of opportunities to gain the broadest possible knowledge regarding innovative projects within the emerging offshore wind sector, as well as open dialogue with stakeholders, are key aspects of the investment process. The dialogue that has begun will continue as part of a broad information policy for projects and companies. In 2022, we plan to continue the dialogue addressed to other interest groups.