ESG Service

Impact on biodiversity

Decision on environmental conditions

Following the EIA procedure, the investor obtained the applicable decision on environmental conditions for Grabowo WF No. FW-8 No. DŚ.6220.03.11 issued on 8 February 2012 by the Voit of Grabowo Municipality.

During construction, BIO-EXPERT has been carrying out regular inspections of Project implementation in terms of compliance with the environmental protection and nature conservation regulations. It provides support in preparation of requests for derogation from the prohibitions related to protected species, if necessary. In 2022, two decisions were obtained under the Project:

  • Decision No. WPN.6401.92.2022.KP of the Regional Director for Environmental Protection in Białystok of 27 April 2022;
  • Decision No. WPN.6401.140.2022.DO of the Regional Director for Environmental Protection in Białystok of 4 July 2022.

In order to identify local bird populations and to take appropriate measurements at the

planning stage, the developer carried out ornithological monitoring. On the basis of the preliminary results of Project monitoring, the area analysed for wind farm construction purposes was not identified as being of value or of particular interest in terms of environmental protection or nature conservation.

In accordance with EUROBATS guidelines (on the impact of wind farms on bats), monitoring of the existing bat species was carried out. Taking into account the specific nature of the Project, it was concluded that the Project will not have a negative impact on species and habitats protected under Natura 2000.

On the basis of the planned technical solutions and the development design of the Project site, the extent and level of the acoustic impact on the environment has been determined. The resulting noise emission values showed that noise level would not exceed the level predicted for agricultural development both during the day and at night on site.

By implementing the recommendations of environmental monitoring, protective measures for amphibians were carried out by transferring tadpoles from excavations and securing earth piles where sand martins or red-backed shrikes breed. In accordance with the arrangements with naturalists, drilling was carried out under trees and excavations were made at a distance from tree alleys, thanks to which the negative impact of the works was mitigated.

Ex-post monitoring:

According to the decision of the local authorities, bird monitoring should be carried out for 3 years within the period of 5 years following the completion of the Project. In accordance with the Environmental Protection Law and based on the recommendations contained in the EIA reports, ex-post noise measurements, as well as ornithological and chiropterological monitoring, will be carried out for Grabowo WF.

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