Polenergia has taken a number of actions aiming to ensure the safety of employees during the COVID-19 pandemic. All the Company’s employees and associates have been allowed to work remotely. They have been supplied with a mobile IT equipment with appropriate software and tools. Additional mobile printers have been purchased for workstations which require working with printed documents. After the pandemic, the printers will be still available to the employees who will continue working from home.
The Office of Polenergia has been adjusted in a manner protecting the employees who had to work there. They received recommendations about principles of staying safe and performing professional duties safely in the office. They have been provided with disinfectant gels and liquids, protective gloves and face masks. The work at the reception desk was reorganized by changing working hours, introducing shift work and opening it on specific days of the week. Distances of at least 1.5 m have been arranged between workstations and direct contacts with suppliers have been limited.
A package of RT-PCR tests for SARS CoV-2 was purchased for the head office and the facilities in case employees had to do such tests suddenly. In particular, it concerned employees and subcontractors supervising construction works for performed projects. As the pandemic developed, the head office and faculties were also supplied with oxygen concentrators to be used by employees and their families.
All the actions focus first of all on the security of Polenergia employees and their families. Our objective is to ensure that employees have safe conditions of work and a sense of security in the situation of a possible health risk.