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Play Green with Us!® at Municipal Events

Play Green with Us!® at Municipal Events

The Polenergia Group is actively involved in and supports the organization of various municipal events that are significant to local communities. We strive to be present at family festivals, picnics, harvest festivals, and municipal celebrations. During these events, schools organize ecological games and activities at the Play Green with Us!® booths, promoting environmental education throughout the municipality.

From June to August 2024, Polenergia actively participated in key events for local communities. These events provided an opportunity for collective celebration, experience sharing, and community integration.

To combine the enjoyable with the useful, local schools implementing the educational project Play Green with Us!® shared their knowledge about nature and climate with municipal residents and tourists. Students, together with their teachers, hosted the Play Green with Us!® booths. They organized eco games, eco contests, quizzes, and drawing corners for the youngest participants.

These activities attracted great interest from attendees at events held in Skurpie, Krzęcin, Nowa Sarzyna, Grabowo, and Niegosławice. Both young and old played green with us, learning how to protect nature and combat climate change.

In addition, both adults and children enjoyed various attractions such as games with animators, a contest for the most eco-friendly costume, field games, family quizzes, inflatable slides, and firefighting demonstrations. The ladies from local village women’s associations prepared delicious refreshments and served refreshing fruit-infused water. Senior clubs organized engaging artistic activities for children and youth, demonstrating how to create something from nothing.

The involvement of schools in organizing ecological activities at the Play Green with Us!® booths is a wonderful opportunity for students to show their peers and adults the importance of taking care of our planet together. It also allows young people to get creative by inventing fun games and activities that engage others. Furthermore, the Play Green with Us! volunteer program offers a great chance to build new relationships and practice social skills.

We would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to the teachers and students for their tremendous dedication to climate, nature, and environmental protection activities. Thank you for showing municipal residents that collective action is possible and that it’s worth the effort, as it concerns our common good. Together, we can achieve more!

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