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We support the Pegasus Shelter

We support the Pegasus Shelter

We help animals and want to bring help where it is needed. That's why we have been cooperating with and helping the Pegasus Shelter in Musulah for the past year.

The Pegasus shelter is run by the Empathy Institute Foundation. More than 140 animals live here, including horses, llamas, dogs and raccoons, among others. They are provided with experienced and tender care, and despite the harm they have suffered, they enjoy health and peace here. However, the shelter, like many others in Poland, needs the commitment and work of volunteers and financial support.

Our first meeting at the shelter was held on August 6. Despite the rainy weather, more than 40 employees of the Polenergia Group got involved together in repairing horse shelters, removing old fences and cleaning the shelter grounds. Memories of our first volunteer work at the Pegasus Shelter and photos from the event can be found at the following link:

We organized our second volunteer action at the Shelter on October 15, 2022. This time, in addition to cleaning and demolition work, we planted more than 30 trees and 50 climber seedlings. We also repainted the fence and entrance gate of the shelter and cleaned the dog pen. You can see the effects of our work in the video below:

Changes in the energy market in Poland have also increased energy costs for the Shelter. Thanks to the funding and commitment of Polenergia Fotowoltaika’s employees, the cost of purchasing energy for the Shelter will be significantly lower. At the beginning of 2023, Polenergia Fotowoltaika built a 15 kWp solar power plant at the Shelter. This will result in a significant decrease in energy costs in the coming years, which will relieve the Shelter’s budget and allow it to allocate more funds to help and maintain the animals. You can see more about energy from the sun on the following.

You can see more about energy from the sun in the video below

and at the link:

The third meeting of Polenergia Group’s volunteers-prcoworkers at the Pegasus Shelter took place on April 22, 2023.This time, celebrating International Earth Day, we planted 35 trees and 40 fruit bushes, so that soon the shelter will not only be greener, but also there will be fruit that animals love so much. In addition, volunteers protected the shelter, built thanks to the support provided by Polenergia S.A., with waterproofing. The year-round shelter will provide warm shelter for horses staying at the shelter for years to come. Below is a video of the volunteer service on April 22, 2023.

A total of 137 volunteers, employees of the Polenergia Group and their families, took part in the volunteer actions conducted at the Pegasus Shelter, spending 21 hours of hard work. We are glad that thanks to our work and the support provided, the animals at the Shelter will have better living conditions, more space and more shade, thanks to the growing trees

Each of you can support the Pegasus Shelter. Just go to the Home page – Pegasus Shelter and choose a form of support.

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