Investments by Equinor and Polenergia could generate as many as 10,000 jobs, both at the Baltic projects themselves and in companies that will be suppliers and sub-suppliers of components and services. Skilled workers’ availability will play a key role in the development of the entire industry. That’s why Equinor and Polenergia will continue – as part of the “Academy of Maritime Competencies,” one of their flagship programs – numerous activities related to education and training of future personnel at all levels of education.
In 2023, this included the companies’ participation in the EDU Offshore Wind Career Fair in Gdansk. The event attracted several thousand schoolchildren, students, graduates and those looking for a career change. At the Equinor and Polenergia booths, they were able to deepen their knowledge of labor market expectations, the recruitment process, and desired competencies.
Last year, the companies also conducted an educational project “One Sea, Many Benefits. Offshore wind energy in my region”. Almost one and a half thousand children from six elementary schools in the Slupsk region took part in classes on renewable energy sources and the benefits of their development. This year, the project will conclude with the announcement of the results of an art competition, in which students will present their own perspective on the perception of offshore wind energy.
The companies are also directing educational activities to representatives of government, military and emergency services units. Together with Squadron, they organized a workshop on safety at sea for them. The purpose of the interactive exercises simulating accidents at sea was to improve practical skills in potential emergencies and how to respond appropriately to them.