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The Progress of the Play Green with Us!® Project in...

The Progress of the Play Green with Us!® Project in 2024

Climate education is key to building a future where environmental care becomes an integral part of everyday life.

Supporting children and young people in gaining knowledge about ecology and encouraging them to take action for the planet is an investment in a better tomorrow.

Through the implementation of the ecological project Play Green with Us!®, students not only learn how to protect the environment but also develop awareness that every step, no matter how small, matters in the fight for a more sustainable world.

Climate Education – The progress of the Play Green with Us!® Project

In June 2024, the second edition of the Play Green with Us!® educational and ecological project, which began in the spring of 2022, came to an end. The project is implemented in primary schools and preschools located in areas where Polenergia develops and operates its renewable energy projects.

Together with the participating educational institutions, the Polenergia Group carried out numerous activities aimed at raising students’ awareness of climate change. During the 2023/2024 school year, over 270 teachers actively used lesson plans from the Play Green with Us!® program.

In total, more than 2,600 lessons were conducted in three thematic areas: circular economy and waste segregation – lesson plan “Smart Tips for Waste”; renewable energy sources – lesson plan “Powered by Energy”; and water management – lesson plan “Water Gives Health.”

Eco Contests and Eco Projects

As part of the Play Green with Us!® program, every educational institution participating in a given edition has the opportunity to apply for funding to purchase prizes for winners of eco-themed contests. Schools and preschools can also apply for funding for eco projects. Teachers propose ideas for eco projects, which they implement together with their students. These projects often involve transforming school grounds to include features such as flower meadows, sensory paths, and orchards. In some institutions, parents and grandparents are also invited to take part in school garden projects, fostering a sense of collaboration and community commitment to both the institution and the environment.

Thanks to Polenergia’s support, eco-friendly zones have also been created within schools. A notable example of a funded eco project is the installation of a camera for observing a stork nest (named Ramzes and Cleopatra) at the Wincenty Witos Primary School in Bierkowo, located in the Redzikowo municipality. This area is part of the Baltic Offshore Wind Farms and Strzelino Photovoltaic Farm projects. Observing the stork nest supports biodiversity conservation by monitoring the population and identifying threats to their nesting habitat. Additionally, the project serves an important educational purpose, inspiring children to explore nature and take action to protect it.

During the 2023/2024 school year, students and teachers collectively completed


eco projects

Eco contests, on the other hand, may be organized by schools or municipalities. During the second edition of Play Green with Us!®, a total of 38 eco contests were held, including three municipal contests: in the Miłoradz Municipality (location of the Szymankowo Wind Farm), in the Pelplin Municipality (location of the Rajkowy Photovoltaic Farm), and in the Nowa Sarzyna Municipality (location of the Nowa Sarzyna CHP Plant).

Climate Reading Campaign

Schools and preschools participating in Play Green with Us!® can join the Climate Reading campaign, which aims to encourage students to read, particularly books about nature and climate protection. In some schools, this activity takes place outdoors, while in others, it is held in school libraries or classrooms. The campaign also includes literary meetings.

Polenergia regularly funds the purchase of books about nature and climate for school libraries that have joined the Play Green with Us!® program.

Comments from teachers submitted through the project report form:

A wonderful initiative! Thank you so much for the donation. Both children and teachers are thrilled. The books not only educate but also present knowledge about the climate and nature – our Earth – in a very accessible way. Thank you for enriching our library and our small school community.

The Climate Reading campaign is a very interesting project that develops reading skills, which contribute to students' success and shape the habit of reading in adult life. Moreover, it fosters interest in nature and cultivates the right attitude towards environmental protection by instilling ecological habits.

New Lesson Plan: "Nature Challenges! Biodiversity – Understand to Protect!"

In September 2024, the third edition of the Play Green with Us!® project began, introducing a new lesson plan that was presented to teachers during an online meeting in October. Over 80 schools participated in the meeting.

Teachers were invited to conduct lessons based on the new plan focusing on biodiversity: “Nature Challenges! Biodiversity – Understand to Protect!” This new plan was developed by the Polenergia Group in collaboration with students and professors from the University of Zielona Góra, who are actively involved in the Academic League for Nature Protection Circle. Through the efforts of these young scientists and the guidance of experienced professors, a comprehensive set of lesson ideas on biodiversity was created.

The Play Green with Us!® project demonstrates how vital and effective the collaboration between businesses and schools can be in educating the youngest generations. The implementation of so many ecological initiatives in 2024 proves that joint efforts bring measurable results and can inspire further environmental action.

Together, we can play for a better, greener future for everyone!

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