ESG Service

Managing diversity

Managing diversity

Diversity management involves creation and promotion of equal opportunities, appreciation of values hidden in cultural differences between people, and utilization of the potential of diversity for the effective pursuit of the organization’s goals. This is why the Polenergia Group has included and prioritized diversity and inclusion activities in its CSR strategy.

  • 103-1
  • 103-2
  • 103-3
  • 405-1
  • 406-1

The Polenergia Group has been a signatory of the Diversity Charter since 2019. It systematically implements solutions and carries out projects associated with this area.

Diversity within the team

The Polenergia Group ensures equal opportunities as regards access to senior positions and monitors the percentage of women holding the key positions in the Company head office. It also monitors the issues of equal pay of women and men and the use of maternity and paternity leaves as well as the percentage of returns to active work after giving birth to a child.

Details are available in the Group’s non-financial report.

  • The Code of Ethics of the Polenergia Group fully complies with the principle of equality and non-discrimination on the grounds enumerated in Article 183a § 1 of the Labor Code, which provides that employees should be treated equally as regards establishing and terminating an employment relationship, conditions of employment, promotion, and access to training in order to improve professional qualifications, in particular regardless of sex, age, disability, race, religion, nationality, political views, trade union membership, ethnic origin, denomination, sexual orientation, whether employed for a definite or indefinite term, full-time or part-time.
  • Through the Work Regulations, Code Of Ethics, and Corporate Social Responsibility Strategy, the Polenergia Group implements the principle of equal treatment of all employees. The Group uses these implemented standards to promote these values also among its business partners.
  • Polenergia has in place a procedure for notifying breaches of the equal treatment principle – both in the Group and among its business partners – and established the Ethics Committee to review such notifications.
  • The Work Regulations enable remote work and flexible working hours. These solutions are addressed to all employees.
  • Code of Ethics of the Polenergia Group
  • Bylaws of the Ethics Committee
  • Diversity Charter
  • Work Regulations
  • Employee Compensation Regulations
  • Procedure for Employee Training and Skills Improvement
  • Procedure for Hiring New Employees
  • Whistleblowing Procedure
  • Corporate Social Responsibility Strategy

Discrimination incidents

In 2022, no discrimination incidents were recorded in the Polenergia Group and no reports of such incidents were received.

Diversity in Check

In 2021, Polenergia was one of 31 organizations in Poland that took part in the Diversity in Check survey and was included in the first list of employers that are the most advanced in managing diversity and inclusion in Poland.

The survey was based on international standards and guidelines, including:

  • Sustainable Development Goals
  • ISO 26000
  • GRI Standards
  • OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises.

The survey concerned five topical areas, including: management approach, programs and measures, building engagement, performance indicators and additional COVID-19-related issues.

Equal Opportunities in Business program

The Polenergia Group is involved in the program pursued by Global Compact Network Poland “Equal Opportunities in Business”, which promotes leadership of women in business. An important element of the project is tackling barriers to gender equality and setting of corporate goals in this respect. In the first edition of the program in 2020, Polenergia took part in a study employing the WEPs Gender Gap Analysis Tool. In 2021, Polenergia took part in training and workshops organized within the framework of the program for its first edition participants. The training was delivered by UNGC and by D&I specialists and addressed the implementation of a diversity strategy in companies.

Consolidated Non-Financial Statement for the year ended december 31, 2022


Diversity IN Check

Polenergia among employers who are the most advanced in managing diversity and inclusion!


Inclusive language at Polenergia

We are aware that the persons who feel accepted and respected, regardless of their psycho-sexual orientation, gender identity, origin and appearance, work better and are more involved and open to build a strong team.


„About diversity over coffee”

May 2021 was declared the European Diversity Month, but the Polenergia Group did not limit its diversity activities to that month only.


Women Business Enthusiasts workshop

For the Polenergia Group, it is especially important to build a diverse team of male and female employees.


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