ESG Service

Impact on biodiversity

Decision on environmental conditions

Gawłowice WF has all necessary permits to operate in compliance with environmental regulations.

Following the EIA procedure,  the investor obtained the relevant decision on environmental conditions for Gawłowice WF No. 3/2009 issued on 12.11.2009 by the Mayor of Radzyń Chełmiński Town and Municipality.

Polenergia Farma Wiatrowa 1 Sp. z o.o. was registered with the National Centre for Emissions Management (KOBiZE) and submits annual reports as required.

Ex-post monitoring:

In accordance with the decision on environmental conditions, ex-post noise measurements were carried out in November 2014 and in February and March 2015. Based on the results, no exceedances were recorded either during the day or at night. In January 2016, the results of the above-mentioned noise analysis were submitted to the competent authorities.

Studies of birds and bats after the construction of the turbines took place in 2015, 2016 and 2018 and the study reports were submitted to the administrative authorities. The monitoring demonstrated that the wind farm has no negative effects on bats and birds. In 2019, the final monitoring reports were submitted to the Regional Directorate for Environmental Protection for analysis and approval. In July 2019, the Director of Regional Directorate for Environmental Protection in Bydgoszcz confirmed no significant negative impact of the Project on ornithofauna and chiropterofauna and compliance with the conditions set out in the decision on environmental conditions and with the guidelines.

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