
Equinor and Polenergia open the first offshore wind…

"Baltic Sea. Sea of Green Energy" is the first exhibition in Poland dedicated to offshore wind energy. The exhibition was…

21 June 2024

Nearly 3000 students from Pomerania in the educational…

Nearly 3000 pupils from 11 primary schools took part in an educational project run by Equinor and Polenergia in the…

13 June 2024

Omnibus Eco-logical Olympiad

The Pelplin Town and Commune Office, in cooperation with primary schools in the Pelplin Commune and the Polenergia Group, organized…

31 May 2024

The Hydrogen Class from Nowa Sarzyna Attended the…

From April 14th to 16th, the largest hydrogen fair in Poland, H2Poland, took place in Poznań.

27 May 2024

We can watch the stork nest live!

From May 2024, we can watch the stork nest near the Primary School in Bierkowo live! This school is located…

20 May 2024

Polenergia supports educational and cultural activities for children,…

From September 2023 to April 2024, three cultural and educational projects were implemented in Lignowy Szlacheckie: 'Senior Cafe,' 'Shine, Little…

10 May 2024

Let’s talk about offshore wind farms. Equinor and…

The construction of the operation and maintenance base for the Bałtyk II and Bałtyk III offshore wind farms will begin…

5 April 2024

Collection for seniors

Polenergia once again supported seniors from the Praga Północ district in Warsaw, beneficiaries of the Otwarte Drzwi association.

3 April 2024

Summary of the first semester of the second…

The first semester of the second edition of the educational programme Play Green with us!® has come to an end.…

12 March 2024

Climate reading

Polenergia is carrying out the Climate Reading campaign together with primary schools and kindergartens that are located near Polenergia Group's…

12 March 2024

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