ESG Service

Climate impact management

Climate impact management

One of the key elements of the risk management system in our company is management of ESG risks, including climate risk. The Polenergia Group is taking strategic steps to prevent climate change.

  • 103-1
  • 103-2
  • 103-3
  • 201-2
  • 305-1
  • 305-2
  • 305-4
  • 307-1

Group Development Strategy

In 2020, we commenced the implementation of the Group Development Strategy, in which the climate change issue is identified as the basis for the Group’s development. Polenergia wants to grow in a sustainable fashion, based on renewable energy sources, transformation of the energy system towards zero emission and support for the Green Deal policy (achieving emission neutrality by 2050).

ESG Team

Given the importance of the sustainable development area in the Polenergia Group, it is overseen by a Management Board Member, Iwona Sierżęga. Other staff members focusing on the ESG area include: Marta Porzuczek, Director of the Environment and Sustainability Department, and Paulina Makaruk, Director of the Management Board and Administration Office. Magdalena Głowacka-Lorek and Łukasz Porębski.

Greenhouse gas emissions

  • 305-1
  • 305-2
  • 305-4

Included in the calculated GHG emissions are energy emissions generated by the operating activities of all Group subsidiaries and the parent company.

Scope of emissions reported 

Polenergia Group reports Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions in terms of the GHG Protocol methodology definition.

  • Polenergia Group reports Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions as defined by the GHG Protocol methodology.Direct emissions (Scope-1) arise from the combustion of fuels in stationary or mobile sources owned or supervised by the company, emissions resulting from technological processes or refrigerant leaks.
  • Indirect emissions (Scope-2) result from the consumption of imported electricity, heat, process steam and refrigeration. We calculate Scope-2 emissions using two methods. The location-based calculation method takes into account the average energy intensity of the grid to which the energy consumer is connected. The market-based calculation method aims to show a conscious choice of energy supplier – it presents emissions calculated according to the supplier-specific intensity.

The Polenergia Group operates with a business model based on the production of energy from renewable sources. In the Group’s daily operations, emissions occur as a result of fuel combustion in transport and as a result of purchases of heat and electricity. The generation of the vast majority of emissions is influenced by the generation of energy from natural gas at the Nowa Sarzyna CHP Plant.

Unit 2021 2022 Change y/y
Scope 1
Total GHG Scope 1 emissions Mg CO2e 109,960.7 59,580.5 – 45.8%
Scope 2 location-based
Total GHG Scope 2 location-based emissions Mg CO2e 4,328.9 9,912.4 129.0%
Scope 2 market-based
Łącznie emisje GHG Scope 2 market-based Mg CO2e 3,779.5 7,496.26 98.3%
Scope 1+2 location-based
Total GHG Scope 1+2 location-based emissions Mg CO2e 114,289.6 69,492.9 – 39.2%
Scope 1+2 market-based
Total GHG Scope 1+2 market-based emissions Mg CO2e 113,740.2 67,076.8 – 41.0%

As we develop new projects, such as onshore wind farms and large-scale photovoltaic farms, we assess the impact of our investment projects on climate change and global warming risk, as required by the Act Amending the Act on Sharing Information about the Environment and its Protection, Public Participation in Environmental Protection and Environmental Impact Assessment.

Actions to increase the use of RES

The Polenergia Group is developing the business of selling green energy to end-users, developing prosumer energy generation and electromobility. These actions are supported by the education of customers regarding the necessity to change the energy mix as the indispensable element of preventing climate change.

  • developing new RES projects – onshore and offshore wind farms and photovoltaic farms, developing its operations in the gas and clean fuel area, including hydrogen technologies
  • initiating cooperation with cities and companies from energy-intensive industry sectors to propagate green hydrogen, without which energy transition will not be possible
  • agreeing on the key terms of the deal serving the purpose of developing offshore wind power plant projects, which are to be built and operated using the associated infrastructure in the Lithuanian territorial waters of the Baltic Sea.
  • developing an offer for individual clients, which was made possible by the acquisition of Edison Energia; based on that entity two companies were established: Polenergia Fotowoltaika and Polenergia Pompy Ciepła, which will offer private photovoltaic energy sources, energy storage and heat pumps
  • CHP plant in Nowa Sarzyna opened a photovoltaic farm supplying the operation of the CHP plant with 0.8 MWh of green energy
  • Clear identification of the goals, activities and tools in the area of climate/decarbonization policy
  • Expansion of emission measurement and reporting in Scopes 1, 2 and 3
  • Setting objectives for energy efficiency and the percentage of renewable energy in the company’s energy mix
  • Analysis of eligibility of economic activities according to the Taxonomy – climate objectives 1-2
  • Implementation of TCFD and TNFD guidelines
  • Internal evaluation of climate risks, identification of measures aimed at mitigating risks and seizing opportunities in the future
  • Preparation of scenario analyses in the climate area

Environmental Actions Taken in 2024

Taking initiatives for environmental protection is crucial for maintaining the balance of ecosystems and biodiversity. In 2024, the Polenergia Group continued its commitment to actions aimed at making a positive impact and minimizing the negative effects on nature.


Final of the 2nd Edition of the Sports Challenge POWER UP!

From April 6th 2024 until the end of June, employees of Polenergia competed and motivated each other in the sports challenge POWER UP! Their kilometers, steps, and even exercise time were converted by Polenergia into a donation of 30,000 PLN in support of the CukierAsy Association!


Biodiversity Protection Education – 3rd Edition of the Polenergia’s Educational Classes

The latest edition of classes on biodiversity protection was conducted as part of the project Play Green with Us!® These educational activities were carried out in local primary schools in the municipalities of Grabowo, Rajgród, Kwilcz, and in a kindergarten in the municipality of Żuromin.


Final of the Second Edition of Play Green with Us!

The second edition of the educational project Play Green with Us! has come to an end. In the 2023/2024 school year, nearly 7,000 students from over 75 schools participated in the program. More than 2,600 lessons on ecology and climate protection were conducted.


Sowing seeds of honey plants at the PV Strzelino – implementation of Polenergia Biodiversity Strategy

Our large-scale photovoltaic farm projects are not only about increasing renewable energy capacity in the Polish power system.


Activities for the Kamionka Valley nature reserve

Polenergia Group, being a leader in the green energy transition, is actively involved in sustainable development. Our ambition is to continuously reduce the negative impact on the environment, primarily by reducing CO2 emissions while increasing biodiversity, not only on our investment sites.


Activities for the Kołacznia nature reserve

For several years, Polenergia has been actively involved in campaigns dedicated to the environment. In 2020, we launched the Group Development Strategy, where the issue of climate change is indicated as the basis for the Group’s development.


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