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Hydrogen transformation

Hydrogen transformation

In December 2019, the European Union announced its Green Deal Strategy, which, if implemented, should make us fully emission-neutral by 2050. Green Hydrogen should play a very important role in this strategy. In July 2020, the European Commission adopted a hydrogen strategy for a climate-neutral Europe. It will help increase production of clean hydrogen in this part of the world. Hydrogen may be used as an energy carrier, raw material for industry or fuel – it has many practical applications, which will help reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the industry, transport, energy and construction sectors.

Both the existing combined heat and power plant in Nowa Sarzyna as well as the planned new gas units should be ready for combustion of green hydrogen, which will contribute to building a zero-emission energy group in the future.

Aiming to create green hydrogen market in Poland, Polenergia signed a letter of intent on the development of projects based on hydrogen technologies with Siemens Energy – a leading producer and supplier of hydrogen solutions (read more). Together with its Partner, the Company analyzes the concepts and develops the first projects associated with green hydrogen production through electrolysis of water by using renewable energy from its own assets.

Nowa Sarzyna Cogeneration Plant, a Polenergia Group company, joined an international consortium working together to promote the use of hydrogen as a zero-emission fuel for gas turbines in the existing installations in Europe. Nowa Sarzyna Cogeneration Plant uses two Frame6B gas turbines manufactured by Thomassen International with the capacity of 40 MW each, which in the future may be modified to co-fire hydrogen with natural gas and ultimate transition to clean hydrogen fuel. In addition to Ansaldo Thomassen and the Nowa Sarzyna Cogeneration Plant, partners in the cooperation agreement also include: Vattenfall, DOW, Nouryon, EmmTec, Hygear, TU Delft, TU Eindhoven, DLR and OPRA Turbines.

Polenergia Group and its Nowa Sarzyna Cogeneration Plant will jointly develop the first hydrogen valley in Poland. The letter of intent for the development of the Subcarpathian Hydrogen Valley, signed in Rzeszów, is intended to help build a coordinated and integrated ecosystem of links that focuses on the development of technology, expertise, research and business. We believe this will happen because hydrogen may be the technology of tomorrow and a chance to accelerate the Polish green transformation.

Hydrogen is the subject of an agreement that will decarbonize Polish industry and transportation!

Just a month after concluding the Sectoral Agreement for the Development of Offshore Wind Energy in Poland, the Ministry of Climate and Environment, local governments, businesses and scientists signed a second sectoral agreement – this time for the hydrogen economy. Polenergia could not be missing among the signatories, as hydrogen is the technology of tomorrow for us and a chance to accelerate the Polish green transformation. We strive to maximize the value chain of hydrogen production, believing that it contributes to market development and support our economy by creating added value and new jobs.

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